Example sentences of "more [adv] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Now despite years of steady disarmament they 're all talking about nuclear war again , and more intensely than ever before .
2 Would you want them to be able to express their emotions more intensely and precisely , able to show how they feel ?
3 It was as if by revealing a hint of softness to Nutty , knowing that she suspected him of acquiescing in order to save Firelight from the chop , a girlish affection betrayed , he then behaved more churlishly than ever to make up for it .
4 Suppose your client insists on advertising his product on television when you believe his story could be more economically and effectively told in the press .
5 Those with older boyfriends seemed to fare better ; for instance , two with partners in their thirties were much more economically and socially secure .
6 The internal divisions grew more rather than less apparent , however , enhanced by the populist politics from the 1890s onwards , and the imperialist ambitions , though more and more strident , were gravely disappointed .
7 If anything , the deepening and lengthening recession made it more rather than less unlikely that the electorate would turn to Mr Kinnock as an economic messiah .
8 Left to themselves , without adult interference , groups of children tend to become more rather than less aggressive as time goes by .
9 It will be an ‘ entitlement ’ to children only if the teachers ' interpretation of it and their teaching style , as it is affected by its requirements , will make them more rather than less likely to be the teachers with the sorts of qualities which are likely to engage their learners , interests .
10 The argument for this is not convincing , because relations with business remained informal and instrumental and local governments were , for a time , more rather than less troublesome for the centre .
11 Judicial views on this matter are likely to vary from judge to judge and from time to time : some judges favour more rather than less judicial review ; others less rather than more .
12 The series is a variation of Hans Christian Andersen 's fable of the Emperor — and it is more rather than less pointed because here the clothes are fabulous .
13 This did not lead him to question the principle of majority decisions ; but it did lead him to pay attention to the social , cultural and economic conditions in which the will of all , or the will of the majority , would be more rather than less likely to coincide with " the general will " , by which Rousseau meant what all of us would will if we thought of ourselves not as private individuals but as citizens identifying ourselves with the good of the community .
14 After a more detailed and refined analysis of their results , Brown and Levin concluded as follows : ‘ The evidence clearly suggests , therefore , that the aggregate effect of tax on overtime is small ; it may perhaps add about 1% to the total hours worked , since , on balance , tax has made people work more rather than less overtime . ’
15 An interesting additional finding which is stressed is that it appears that such people are more rather than less likely to exhibit qualities of psychological balance and social responsibility .
16 If its Secretariat 's proposals are agreed to , " farming will become more rather than less intensive , global brands will erode local foods and developing countries ' food self-reliance will be undermined " .
17 Even harder to ignore the fact that her reluctant , brooding host was all male , with an attraction rendered more rather than less dangerous by his current attitude towards the female sex .
18 You could suspect that this is a way of making it more rather than less egoistic , could n't you ?
19 By the 1650s those to and from all foreign diplomats in London were being opened and copied in the Post Office ; and in 1665 the French ambassador acknowledged that the English " have tricks to open letters more skilfully than anywhere in the world " .
20 Scobie appears to borrow the connection from an article by Sandra Djwa — ‘ Leonard Cohen : Black Romantic ’ which first appeared in 1967 , where it is more skilfully and roundly argued : ‘ Cohen 's dominant theme ( is ) , ’ she says , ‘ the relationship between experience and art , and more specifically the suggestion that the value of experience is to be found in the art of ‘ beauty ’ distilled from it … ’
21 It allowed Franco to play the nationalist card more blatantly than ever , using his public appearances to recall the horrors of the Civil War and to present himself as both martyr on the altar of Spain 's liberation from communism and guarantor of the continued existence of Spain as a coherent socio-political entity .
22 In the two figures on the right in particular the earlier striations and hatchings have given way to more discreetly and subtly modelled planes delineating the component parts of the trunks and limbs of the figures ; these planes are angled away from each other along clearly defined ridges in some passages , but softly opened up into each other in others .
23 Blattern the postman walked slowly across the green , more slowly than ever , whilst Alida waited , twitching at the curtains , and then he paused at their gate before walking past .
24 The debt is still rising , though more slowly than before , and it will probably not start to fall until the basic budget — the part that excludes payments on the debt — is running an annual surplus equivalent to 7% of Greece 's gross domestic product .
25 I think er the original plan would have envisaged er a very high proportion of that work having been converted to a fixed price at this point in the programme because according to the original programme not only would the aircraft have flown but we would be entering production investment at this stage and we would there be be fairly confident about the er maturity of the design , however the programme has proceeded much more slowly than originally planned and the amount of er the price that has been converted to a fixed price is indeed quite modest er we have in fact I think only converted eight of the price packages to a fixed price er basis so far .
26 ‘ In a largely illiterate society this oral epic singing also had the function roughly corresponding to the modern mass media — it spread the political news , much more slowly but perhaps not less reliably than the modern press , radio and television . ’
27 They had just made love again ; this time more slowly though just as wonderfully .
28 If there is an incongruous response sit in the light to assist lip reading , and repeat the question more slowly and loudly , facing the client , but without shouting or exaggeration .
29 Since a plucked hair regrows much more slowly and softly than a snipped hair , your legs stay that way for weeks and weeks .
30 ‘ If they were driving more slowly and carefully then the child might have escaped and that 's what matters . ’
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