Example sentences of "more [adj] than [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And he seemed more alert than when he had left , less inclined to shrug and yawn and leave everything to her .
2 There were occasions yesterday when she did n't look a bad player , certainly trimmer and more mobile than when she played the game for real , and showing some nimble footwork which Lionel himself would have envied .
3 For the rest of us crying is a hit or miss experience , sometimes satisfying but sometimes leaving us drained , exhausted or more hopeless than when we started .
4 He was more elated than when he had been shooting as an international for Great Britain : ‘ It 's like trying to get eight draws on the football pools — anybody can win .
5 A feeling of peace and calm pervades the place , and the silence in and around the house somehow seems more complete than if one was standing , say , in the middle of an open field .
6 If the defendant intends to do harm , e.g. in trespass , then liability will be more extensive than where he is negligent .
7 Nothing is more annoying than when a dole queue fan shells out six pounds for a ticket to a show which is nothing but a huge yawn for the artist involved .
8 COMPARISONS are never more odious than when they involve children .
9 The fearful heat of the city seemed to encourage him to sleep half his time away and she had never felt more English than when she observed his devotion that summer to the long siesta .
10 yep , good it has that creative element about it does n't it because as you say if you get them to produce it get the audience to help produce it then again it 's involvement and the whole thing is is erm more spontaneous than than pre-prepared .
11 And I think this social position is more apparent to the informant and the variation in role relations more marked than if the interviewer is an outsider and not in a particular relation to the speakers from the outset .
12 Golf , the most individual of sports , is never more demanding than when played in its team format and , when Sam Torrance holed the winning birdie putt at The Belfry in ‘ 85 , and very soon afterwards burst into tears , he began a sequence that would be rejected out of hand by any self-respecting editor of the Boys ’ Own Paper .
13 The King assured the Prime Minister that , remaining at his post , his position and reputation would be much more enhanced than if he surrendered the government of the country at such a crisis .
14 He told MacDonald that by remaining at his post with such colleagues as were still faithful to him , his position and reputation would be much more enhanced than if he succumbed ; the Prime Minister must come to some arrangement with Baldwin and Samuel to form a National Emergency Government which would restore British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
15 Indeed , an externally " imposed " reform would be welcome as it would be politically more acceptable than if it were initiated solely through domestic pressures .
16 Thus policies presented jointly by Britain and the United States often proved more acceptable than if put forward by the United States alone .
17 What is the Government 's attitude to Labour 's proposal for a defence diversification agency , bearing in mind that if it were so easy to create jobs through a Government agency , it is surprising that Labour has always left behind more unemployed than when it took office .
18 I know it 's risky — a lot more risky than if I waited for Yukio to finish programming the starpod — but I just need to get away for a while , by myself , and think .
19 Er Chairman I I really have to say I do n't I do n't really agree with the assertion that the policy is is essentially more restrictive than than er P P G seven will indicate and I would endorse what er Patrick Earle has said in in that regard .
20 I knew then that it was more inspiring than if the sound had come from an orphean bird .
21 Pound was a serious man , and never more serious than when he was writing poetry ; and his poetry drives towards just those unpalatable conclusions that Olson forces us to look in the face .
22 His mother Elizabeth said debris lying around the park was more dangerous than if the area under the play equipment had been left grassed .
23 That 's the Barometer for you : never more dangerous than when in the portals of the slaughterhouse .
24 One thing , however , that is widely known about my snooker is that I am never more dangerous than when being profoundly humiliated .
25 If she will be earning , that will eat into her profits , but she is likely to be more contented than if she had given up her job .
26 Yes I mean issue with illegitimate children or his affair means that I mean even the line he was running is okay because I 'm rich so it 's not gon na and it 's not gon na and so he 's got these two sort of values , that if you are a single parent and you 're poor that makes you lesser and more immoral than if you were a single parent and you 're rich .
27 It was n't any more unethical than if the companies had a summit conference the way Russia and the West meet .
28 For instance , nothing is more likely than that Prothero , when he said that association with Blast ‘ stamped a man too disadvantageously ’ , had in mind among other things Ford 's connection with the magazine and the scandal of Ford 's relations with Violet Hunt — a scandal that had already made a breach between Violet Hunt and the cruelly timorous Henry James , as told painfully in I Have This to Say .
29 What is more likely than that the harpsichord should also be his ?
30 If q is probable given p , then p & g is more likely than and therefore in the nearest worlds where p is true , q will also be true .
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