Example sentences of "more [adj] than [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As you know , you do a half halt before asking for a transition , because it 's more polite than shouting ‘ Oi ! ’ , but Skipper seemed to forget about the legs bit and would go into whatever pace was faster than the one he had been doing .
2 ‘ You do a half halt before asking for a transition because it 's more polite than shouting ‘ Oi ! ’
3 Paige made herself move , because action was infinitely more preferable than thought right then .
4 Overall , it appeared by the middle of March that the Gulf environment was proving more resilient than had been feared , but environmentalists cautioned that the full extent of the damage would not be apparent for some time , particularly as the oil sank to the bed of the shallow Gulf , where it would damage vital food plants .
5 ‘ Anyway , it 's no more strange than thinking the Store was the whole world .
6 Such trial trenches are far more cost-effective than undertaking a full-scale excavation without being sure if archaeological features survive on a site .
7 Race 's power to surprise fades as we progress through the 400-odd pages of ‘ raw ’ talk and we arrive at the conclusion more exhausted than enthralled .
8 The splitting and penetration of the bone of the skull was slightly more advanced than shown earlier , but the difference is not great enough to be worth illustrating and is still equivalent to stage 1 weathering ( Behrensmeyer , 1978 ) .
9 To mention is now more usual than to allude to : He alluded to a rather delicate matter .
10 This showed conclusively that Thoresby 's contents were far more complete than had previously been realized and , with relatively little rearrangement , could have been put back as they appeared in early photographs .
11 This is what you can do : if he comes too close and narrows the gap , step to the side and extend it again ; a gentle touch to his arm is more emphatic than asking him to stop .
12 Just as it dislikes the thought of securitising its mortgage assets — ‘ why give away margin ? ’ asks Jon Foulds , its chairman since 1990 — so it also knows that underwriting the insurance it sells would eventually be more profitable than taking commissions from Standard Life .
13 Although the former heads of the two securities houses added little to their previous statements , Tabuchi admitted on Aug. 29 that Nomura 's links with Japan 's organized crime syndicates , which had been revealed in July [ see p. 38342 ] , were currently under investigation and might prove to have been more extensive than had been initially suggested .
14 Professor Sawyer has argued that many of the small pre-Conquest landowners who appear from Domesday Book to be independent were in fact tenants of lords not named , and thus that lordship may have been more extensive than has sometimes been realised .
15 What could be more devastating than discovering that the one man you relied on has blown your world apart ?
16 Check that the doorway is high enough , wince there is nothing more annoying than to keep bumping your head every time you walk in .
17 Few things were more demoralising than to stand uselessly by while other men demonstrated their professional competence ; Kerrison , that connoisseur of death , literally sniffing at the body ; the photographers , taciturn , preoccupied with lighting and angles ; Inspector Doyle , in charge of a murder case at last , impresario of death , tense with the suppressed excitement of a child at Christmas gloating over a new toy .
18 There is nothing more demoralising than coming home with an injury which keeps you out of action for a few weeks .
19 It 's probably no more pleasant than living at the centre of some large , dirty , crime-ridden city .
20 He did n't look like he could do anything more strenuous than spit out a grape-pip .
21 THERE is nothing more humiliating than loving him so much that you forgive the infidelities .
22 Yet the war proved far longer and more destructive than had been generally expected .
23 Rousseau ( 1762 , p.54 ) wrote in Émile : ‘ Childhood has its own ways of seeing , thinking and feeling ; nothing is more foolish than to try and substitute our ways ’ .
24 The Committee has pointed out that nothing is more foolish than to have timetable motions introduced after a Committee has sat for some sessions , perhaps debating the first two or three clauses of a Bill , and then , the guilloting having been introduced , the rest of the Bill — perhaps 60 , 70 or 80 clauses — is rushed through with hardly any debate .
25 Sounds complicated but much more reliable than trying to keep to a regular naming scheme that lets you know which copy is the oldest .
26 THE MOST widely-used test to detect chemicals that can cause cancer in humans is no more reliable than tossing a coin , says Dr David Salsburg , a statistician with a large American drug company .
27 She spoke and understood more English than had at first appeared but it seemed to be English she had got from the Kettering children , so she was easily understood by Jacqueline who would run to her , climb on to her lap , whenever the maid sat down for a moment and stay there silent and apparently overawed .
28 Others may prefer to continue the addictive process rather than accept the need for personal change which they may perceive to be more painful than continuing the addiction .
29 Where the relationship between theory and practice is more dialectical than applied it allows a fruitful interaction between the two , although this does not always happen .
30 That 's probably more sensible than having people come round to use my phone as well .
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