Example sentences of "more [verb] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It often happens , especially if you train only spasmodically , that you start off the season with a personal best time , get really excited because you think there is a lot more to come and then the rest of the summer turns out to be something of a damp squib .
2 The fact remains that men 's leisure-time activities are much more visible to history , more organized and perhaps to some extent seen as more legitimate .
3 Both financial institutions and financial markets are in the main more regulated and less developed than those within the UK financial sector .
4 The house would go more to rack than ever and serve no purpose but to make everyone concerned more miserable than they are already . ’
5 Our testing system measures meaningful data from power tubes under actual performance conditions so that we can closely match the tonal characteristics and produce a set of tubes with consistency of performance , better harmonic balance , more sustain and longer usable life .
6 Although there are notable mountain peaks within sight of every arm of the lake , the western end the Luzern end has more gentle , more settled and more " tamed " scenery than the more awe-inspiring scenic grandeur that surrounds the Urner branch in the south-east .
7 However , there 's a lot more to consider than just the number of columns .
8 We heard this sort of thing before , when Pontypool ruled the roost in the Seventies and Eighties , and the fact that there was more than an element of truth in it , that the complaints of others could be justified , served only to make the accused — Neath , just like Pontypool before them — become more introverted and less receptive .
9 That is the essence of doing business in today 's community , and we want to arrive at solutions which will enable us to move forward more united and not less .
10 The Parable of the Lost Son is much more involved but still follows the same principle that the son who was lost is found again .
11 The success of Crookes and his successors with evacuated tubes meant that the passage of electricity through gases was more studied and better understood than that through solids .
12 Ironically , that made England more determined than ever to pull off the stirring victory at Headingley which levelled the series .
13 The renewed popularity of British music in America only made Branson more determined than ever that Virgin should , once again , have their own operation in the States .
14 ‘ He is going to come to Donegal more determined than ever , ’ says Fisher .
15 He was much more liked and justly so .
16 By 1685 , although more established and better organized , the Garden was proving a heavy expense for the Company , which made a proposition to Mr Watts .
17 For David there is not really a lot more to tell except perhaps that I got some new teeth and as a result a few more pounds have been gained .
18 Government sources have admitted the 12 EC member nations could emerge from Edinburgh more divided than before .
19 The railroad giveth and the railroad taketh away , and when it stops giving md taking , a lot more stops as well .
20 In the design world old designs become more and more laboured and more and more mannered .
21 To increase knowledge about alcohol so that future alcohol use can be more informed and therefore more prudent .
22 Accordingly , the AKT was administered during the first and last of the group sessions and constituted a straightforward method for evaluating the success of the first course objective : specifically , to increase participants ' alcohol knowledge so that future alcohol use can be more informed and therefore more prudent .
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