Example sentences of "than they be at " in BNC.

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1 Even presented in outline like that , it is reasonably clear that under green regimes Europeans would , by any conventional standards , become a great deal poorer than they are at the moment .
2 Unfortunately , there is no reason why economists should be any better at predicting that date than they are at predicting currencies .
3 If , in 1993 and beyond , the double-up Championship Series will also be in the open market far more blatantly than they are at present and ( at the other end of the scale Challenger tournaments can include some players ranked between 10–50 — and presumably get away with paying appearance money too — ) then the long term life expectancy for World Series tournaments ) which for middle-range players are their bread and butter in addition to a stepping stone from their first step on the ladder to fame and hoped for fortune — can not be improving .
4 prisoners whose character and record render them suitable … should be released from prison earlier than they are at present .
5 At low river flows the effects of pollution are greater than they are at high flows , and , if there is any contamination that is likely to affect textile processing , this will show up more in samples taken at such times .
6 [ I ] n the case of Britain and Israel , two countries without codified constitutions , such pressure as exists to adopt one is based less on the desire to possess a clear-cut organisational chart delimiting the institutions of government than on a feeling that rights would be better protected under a codified constitution than they are at present .
7 If ‘ community care ’ is not to result in increased impoverishment and dependency for women care-givers ( with all the possible long-term adverse consequences for their own old age ) , then employment and social security policies and the provision of ‘ community care ’ services have to be integrated to a far greater extent than they are at present .
8 The increased qualified majority voting in the Council of Ministers , to which we have agreed in the treaty , means that we must have a way of keeping our national Parliaments better informed than they are at present .
9 With the yield on 30-year Treasury bonds at 8.25% and that on three-month bills at 6.6% , long- and short-term interest rates are now lower than they were at the end of the two previous deep recessions , in 1981 and 1973 .
10 As the campaign enters the final furlong the Tories in the campaign team know they are no closer to finding a magic formula than they were at the outset .
11 Although incomes in the 1980s were substantially higher in real terms than they were at the end of the 1950s , there has been no sustained decrease in inequality ; in fact , as we saw in chapter 5 ( figure 5.5 ) , income inequality in Britain increased sharply after 1976 .
12 The shorter estimate comes from one or two ‘ optimists ’ within the electricity supply industry who believe that the opponents to the plans to build the Sizewell PWR will prove less persistent than they were at the inquiry into the plans to expand the nuclear fuel plant at Windscale in Cumbria .
13 In that year , Haringey 's Labour councillors learned more about heterosexism than they would ever have believed possible , and they have become far more articulate in their defence of lesbian and gay rights than they were at the time of their election .
14 Just as the new conceptual artists have more passion than they were at first credited with , so many of the new painters amount to more than the sum of their supposed influences .
15 It seems probable that elderly people as a whole have more secure incomes and are less marginalized as consumers today than they were at earlier times in this century .
16 AFRICA is the only continent in the poor world where people ended the 1980s worse off than they were at the start .
17 He did n't really care if she and Nick were happy or not but if he thought they had been happier at Druid 's Bottom than they were at his house , he might stop them going again .
18 Moreover , although their constitutional and political position depended on their new relationship to " the people " they were not instructed delegates of their constituents any more than they were at the mercy of the party whips in the Commons .
19 Lyndon Bolton , the managing director , yesterday described prospects as more encouraging than they were at the time of the interim report in August .
20 At the end of a day 's banking some banks are going to be more liquid , as a result of net deposits and other banks are going to be less liquid than they were at the beginning of the day 's business , as a result of a net withdrawal of deposits .
21 no they 've got ordinary ones here but I mean these , are a whole lot expensive than they were at W Smith 's , yes , erm I just do n't believe this price no I suppose they 're three for one fifty nine , but that 's the size I got
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