Example sentences of "than he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lou never even looked , on Tuesday and Friday nights , any more than he looked at the instrument he played .
2 ‘ So long as he ( McCoist ) scores one more than he got in Bruges , I 'll be happy , ’ remarked the manager of the goal machine that stalled two weeks ago .
3 The man with the sting made his living trawling for prawns , and fishing for mero , which he sold to the holiday village cafés , for a better price than he got from the locals .
4 He is also highly intelligent and far more complex than he likes to be perceived .
5 He did n't belong in gardens , any more than he belonged in the company of two small children .
6 SHAW Branch Manager John Powell had to pay up quicker than he expected after promising his staff an expenses-paid outing if they achieved their Royal Scottish leads target .
7 Satan , visualized as a great fish seeing his enemy in such distress , swoops to devour but gets more than he bargains for .
8 He sounded more matter of fact and tired than he had during their last contact .
9 He had loaned five thousand pounds to Phillip Wreck , one of the most notorious villains in Paddington , and in Joe 's mind Michael had more chance of getting the Pope 's inside leg measurement than he had of getting that money back .
10 He still owed her a fiver more than he had on him , she complained .
11 Faldo also made birdies at both the 15th and 16th and putted better than he had on either of the first two days .
12 In the ordinary daylight Adam looked fiercer , wilder , than he had on Starr Hills .
13 The railways undercut his price and he was forced to find many more passengers than he had at first calculated .
14 These days he felt happier than he had at any time in his life .
15 Bigwig was racing back across the field , looking more agitated than he had at any time since the encounter with Captain Holly .
16 Cowslip showed no more concern at Fiver 's tense manner than he had at anything that had gone before .
17 Looking at her more closely , he realized she was much older than he had at first thought .
18 A little over an hour later , Harry felt more in control of events than he had at any time since Heather 's disappearance .
19 He had always considered Sir John a portly , self-indulgent toper , but at this moment the coroner seemed more at ease , sword and dagger in his hands , fighting for his life , than he had at any time since they had met .
20 This morning Luke seemed even less human than he had at the interview when obviously she had caught him in an off moment .
21 Alone with Damian Flint Rachel found him even more formidable than he had at first appeared .
22 We knew that Frank got on better with us than he had with his fellow countrymen and hoped that being with us would help bring him back to himself .
23 Dad kissed me on the forehead and asked me to make another pot of tea and he sat down in his chair and smoked a quiet pipe of tobacco looking happier than he had for days .
24 He felt better than he had for a while , with hard work aching in his bones and the knowledge that he had decided what he must do at last .
25 And , in spite of it , he felt closer to her than he had for months .
26 He felt closer to her than he had for years , as he tried to explain .
27 He felt happier than he had for a long time .
28 He had n't thought further than that and he did n't want to worry Lucy more than he had to .
29 And when they were espoused the King did them great honour , and gave them many noble gifts , and added to Rodrigo 's lands more than he had till then possessed : and he loved him greatly in his heart , because he saw that he was obedient to his commands , and for all that he had heard him say .
30 He looked younger close-up than he had from a distance .
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