Example sentences of "than [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 More than once I have seen a hapless opponent reaching down to scoop a front kick that never comes , and getting caught on the undefended side of the head !
2 Much later it struck me as odd that I experienced no superstitious fear or repugnance in the presence of a dead body , although I am so squeamish that more than once I have had to ask a neighbour to deal with a dead rabbit that one of the cats had brought in during the night .
3 But other than that I got the right .
4 ‘ I only know that there is more that I do not know than that I know , , I answered .
5 That 's actually all I want to say about the flipchart unless anybody 's any other comments I mean Jeff 's you 've obviously got a lot of experience in a do you feel there 's any anything further than that I know I 've covered it very briefly .
6 Well , did you did they tell you a little more than that I mean did they tell you that er Mr played cricket with him or something like that or or what ?
7 that , that , gives you enjoyment , I mean other than that I mean if it 's all pre-planned
8 Other than that I wish to make no claims upon you . ’
9 ‘ I 'm not sure what to think , ’ Aubrey said doubtfully , ‘ other than that I hope I am wrong .
10 Any more than that I wasted five minutes reading his articles ?
11 Other than that I 've got nothing to do .
12 I know it 's a bit of tenuous link but there we are — other than that I 've no great claims to knowing any Leeds players
13 But other than that I do n't really give a shit . ’
14 ‘ More than that I do n't have to tell you .
15 But other than that I do n't think , women did n't do much I mean even in shops , the men were the shop assistants nearly always .
16 Other than that I do disagree with what Juliette was saying .
17 The other point I would make is the further that the new settlement is from York itself , then the greater would be the dependency upon the motor car , this has been born out by the paper that has been submitted by York City Council in table one where one can see that within the urban area within the O R R the travel to work by car is forty six point four percent , travel to work in the Greater York area at the moment is sixty seven point five percent , further than that I do believe it would be even greater .
18 circulate paper from erm a new motion in terms of the environment motions erm defers more than that I do n't really say
19 Other than that I do n't usually break it .
20 it would n't be any thicker than that I do n't suppose , but I mean I would n't know
21 Earlier than that I have a problem and it is my problem ; if you look at the 500 or so records I have produced there is quite a small percentage either on original instruments or of pre-Classical music .
22 ‘ I do n't think I have much else to prove … other than that I want to be the best player in the world .
23 Other than that I want to make just three comments on three important issues which have been raised .
24 I wanted to light a cigarette , but more than that I wanted not to distract him ; his reaching back .
25 More than that I believe that what is right needs to be said .
26 No erm it 's , it 's more recent than that I think in nineteen fifty the election was on a Tuesday .
27 Sometime ago right so you may catch this , and you 're from slightly further north than that I think ?
28 Yeah , no it 's a bit more than that I think it 's a bit of a case of please help her with her maths sheets .
29 Oh , they have more than that I think .
30 And having noticed that there is nothing whatever in this ‘ I think , therefore I am ’ which assures me that I say the truth , other than that I see very clearly [ je vois très clairement ] that to think it is necessary to be , I judged that I could take it as a general rule that the things which we conceive very clearly and very distinctly [ que nous concevons fort clairement et fort distinctement ] are all true …
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