Example sentences of "than [prep] [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Saad 's family rushed to try and have their revenge on the witness who had announced the news like someone possessed , and who cared less about Saad 's death than about convincing the whole community of what he had seen in the hut that burning noonday .
2 Latterly , he had been criticized for being more concerned about " restoring dignity to politics " and strengthening Slovenia 's Catholic and conservative traditions than about solving the economic problems resulting from communist rule and independence .
3 Again without wishing to underestimate the significance of these and other influences , however , it seems more illuminating to regard them as sources of constraint than as contradicting the assumption of management control .
4 However , if preferences are understood merely as patterns of physical behaviour which tend towards certain results , then there would be no more moral reason for satisfying them than for assisting a computer carry out its programme when this was something undesired by any conscious being .
5 For example , a manager rated 3.8 has further to go in showing concern for the task itself than for developing the work of his subordinates .
6 The single most startling fact for girls , however , is that they tend to be taken into care for ‘ status offences ’ rather than for breaking the law .
7 This allows competitors to fight under virtually the same rules as their full-contact brothers , but strikes and kicks are judged more on a points system , points being awarded for perfection of technique rather than for pounding a competitor into the ground or knocking him out .
8 However , those are occasions more for boosting morale than for scrutinising the operations of a parish . ’
9 On the other hand , it could be argued that Alexandra Maitland was a woman for whom it was more than worth abandoning the rest of the female sex .
10 The eventual thrust of the reform of the German child care legislation has been largely directed towards remedying the above shortcomings of earlier legislation rather than towards grounding the new Act in completely different principles .
11 and the lack of training do you not feel that the government should put more money into the company to allow apprenticeship to take place rather than of thinking the company 's got ta foot the bill every time ?
12 ‘ Boardroom struggles for power , wheeler-dealing in the buying and selling of shares and , indeed , of whole clubs sometimes suggest that those involved are more interested in the personal financial benefits or social status of being a director than of directing the club in the interests of its customers . ’
13 There is , of course , the Bill of Rights 1689 but it is just as much subject to repeal , and has in fact been impliedly repealed more than once , as any other Act of Parliament , and in any case has the effect rather of strengthening the hand of Parliament , than of protecting the ordinary citizen against its excesses .
14 ‘ The safest Way , ’ ( to avoid such rebellions ) wrote William Smith in 1744 , ‘ is to trade with different Nations , on either Side of the River , and having some of every Sort on board , there will be no more liklihood of their succeeding than of finishing the Tower of Babel . ’
15 Since the Carlists were unlikely to accept any kind of power-sharing arrangement , it was less a question of making a political pact with them than of imposing the desired situation on them and limiting as far as possible their capacity to reject it .
16 But the first thing I 've got to say to you here and now is you 're no more capable of keeping a wife than of keeping a — ’ she seemed to search for the word , then brought out , ‘ rabbit .
17 This does not worry him , since he takes political Realism to be a limiting case whose usefulness has less to do with describing the actual conduct of foreign policy than with providing a way of explaining it .
18 Conscription , they protested , had less to do with military preparedness than with providing the Government with the power to coerce the labour movement .
19 The central concern was less with lobbying amongst the powerful , than with creating an irresistible tide of popular opinion that would force the politicians into appropriate action .
20 But Mr Parkinson was more concerned with getting a cheer at a party conference than with implementing the policies the country needed , he said ..
21 Indeed , it seems that the Committee was less concerned with certainty than with checking the expansion of the law of rape heralded by Olugboja .
22 Clearly , the official organization-view of effectiveness is more concerned with output , efficiency and other benefits , than with satisfying the needs of individuals .
23 Does he further agree that Labour Members ' knee-jerk opposition to city technology colleges shows their obsession with standardisation rather than with improving the quality of education in schools ?
24 Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesperson , charged the government with being ‘ concerned less with the quality of health care than with widening the role of the market in its provision — by increased competition , by more commercial medicine and by larger public subsidy of private medicine ’ .
25 For too long the modernization of the appellate courts has been geared towards the management of case loads rather than with equipping the appellate judges better for the task of the development of legal rules .
26 English departments are apparently tolerant of competing ideas and paradigms ; lecturers , however , argued that assessment of students was more concerned with assessing students ' grasp of a discourse , their ability to practise English , than with judging the validity of their opinions .
27 Egypt , more concerned with countering Abdallah 's ambitions in the Arab-designated areas than with defeating the Jews , moved its troops to Beersheba , Hebron and towards Jerusalem .
28 Marital : Many a parental marriage is broken by the amount of focus put on the problems of the child primary sufferer rather than Upon improving the marital relationship and giving each other support in the time of crisis .
29 It was 1859 before Alexander gave reformers their head by granting them control of the Editing Commissions , and by then the prestige of the throne would have suffered far more from the abandonment of emancipation than from allowing a version of it to go through .
30 The penalties came , in fact , from Paula Milne 's , and the fictional mother 's decision to reject the child , rather than from having the child .
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