Example sentences of "than [noun] [v-ing] in " in BNC.

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1 She took on Richard Burton and it is impossible that she did not know — quite soon — that there were flaws : she knew about theatrical affairs and knew that most of them were no more than vessels bumping in the night or for the run of the play .
2 It was classified as high security , and there were more guards than engineers working in the compound .
3 Researchers who studied attitudes towards extra-marital sex , relative to the size of the community , found that in general , people living in rural areas are less tolerant of extra-marital sex and are less likely to engage in it than people living in large cities .
4 If big shops tended to offer a wider range of credit facilities than small ones , then people shopping in the urban centres where big shops are round would have a wider choice of credit types than people shopping in small rural centres .
5 From having similar rates in the early part of the study period , men residing in the capital area in 1983–7 had approximately 2.5-fold more anal cancer than men living in the rest of Denmark .
6 There are indications that certain complex carbohydrates such as fibre are converted to H 2 more slowly and less completely than lactulose resulting in an underestimation of the amount entering the colon .
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