Example sentences of "come [num ord] in the " in BNC.

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1 A strong challenge anticipated from the fiercely nationalist and right-wing Serbian Renaissance Movement ( SP0 ) failed to materialize : SPO leader Vuk Draskovic took only 20 per cent of the vote to come second in the presidential election , while his party took only 19 seats in the Assembly ( after winning 13 seats in the first round it fought the second round in coalition with other opposition parties ) .
2 He defeated the emigré businessman Stanislaw Tyminski , who had surprisingly come second in the first round of the elections held on Nov. 25 [ see pp. 37840-41 ] , by 10,622,696 votes ( 74.3 per cent ) to 3,693,098 ( 25.7 per cent ) .
3 Emil Constantinescu , who had come second in the presidential elections in September [ see p. 39104 ] , was elected president of the main opposition alliance , the Democratic Convention ( DCR ) , on Nov. 27 .
4 He was in danger of becoming part of the establishment and there was a new young punk hungry for his chance : twenty-one-year-old Brock Little had come fourth in the 1986 Eddie Aikau when Foo was second .
5 Michael from Bedale has just come first in the Caterbility contest for cookery students organised by British Gas .
6 ‘ At home , children expect to come first in the life of the family and in school many of them behave in a selfish , uncaring way with no idea of consideration of others , ’ wrote another .
7 He was sworn into office on Jan. 14 , taking over from Vinicio Cerezo ( also a democratically elected civilian , of the Christian Democratic Party — PDCG — whose candidate had come third in the first round ) , together with his Vice-President and fellow evangelical , Gustavo Adolfo Espina Salguero .
8 Daisy came to the World Championships with me in Sweden last year and came fourteenth in the under fifteen year old class — a good result for her first competition .
9 I came second in the UK Astroid Championships .
10 An England representative team came second in the strongest open tournament of the year in Berne , Switzerland , to break the familiar stranglehold on the top prizes by players from the former Soviet Union .
11 Reserve Winners Dog The dog who came second in the Winners Dog 's original class competes with the dogs remaining in the ring , ( unless he has already been defeated by one of them ) , for Reserve Winners .
12 Seve had just the right sort of build-up to the 1979 Open at Lytham : he won the English Classic at The Belfry , the first time it was played , and then he came second in the Scandinavian Open in Sweden .
13 THE Senior team from Churcher 's College in Petersfield came second in the district final of the Rotary Club 's Youth Speaks competition on Friday at Southampton University .
14 She came second in the category ‘ feature writer of the year ’ on a non-business magazine in the annual Periodical Publishers ' Association awards .
15 He told students : ‘ In the auditions I ask them who came second in the last war and they say ‘ Ask the other fella ’ .
16 Gazza 's team-mate Signori came second in the competition , for his goal against Inter Milan , while AC Milan 's Marco Van Basten was third .
17 In December 1918 he came second in the same constituency in the Coupon election .
18 In 1848 he came second in the Chancellor 's medal competition with a poem ‘ The Death of Baldur ’ .
19 These barges and their owner were to become well known in the sailing barge races from 1865 when " Defiance " won the Thames Spritsail race and " Blackfriars " came second in the class .
20 In 1868 Lee 's " Invicta " came second in the Topsail class and " Defiance " third in the Sprit'sails , both being built at Halling .
21 The Station also won the Team prize , while John Thompson came second in the Van Driver of the Year Contest .
22 The East Lothian station also won the Team prize , while John Thomas came second in the Van Driver of the Year contest .
23 While disappointed that he came second in the poll to Sinn Fein 's Joe Austin , he was delighted with his eventual success on the fifth count .
24 Jay progressed though local congresses , and experienced his first big success at the Whitley Bay tournament where he came second in the under-nine events at the age of seven .
25 In Liverpool he came second in the English under-12 quick play championship , gave a good performance in last year 's London junior championships , and progressed to the England junior get-together in January .
26 He now competes regularly against adults too , and came second in the recent Cleveland championships in which most of the players were adult .
27 That 's why I came second in the quiz
28 Mr John Wilkinson ( C. Ruislip Northwood ) , who came sixth in the private members ' bills ballot , yesterday announced a measure to make it obligatory to apply for planning permission before a dwelling house is demolished .
29 The race was won by an Aston Martin DB4 and the Guisborough duo came sixth in the overall concours and fourth in their class of 1,000–1,300cc grand touring sports cars .
30 On the other hand The Young Riders came 51st in the ratings in its first week , trailing far , far behind all the modern myths about modern times such as The Cosby Show , Roseanne , Golden Girls , Cheers and Matlock .
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