Example sentences of "come [adv prt] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bigsun will have come on for High Easter run
2 Balbinder was always pleased to come along for these sessions , to play with my children 's toys and run in the garden .
3 But that policy has come in for sharp criticism from monetarists who insist that it has fed the rapid expansion of broad money supply , M4 , and inflamed inflationary pressures .
4 It is on the detail of the recommendations that Cadbury has come in for strong criticism — in particular , over some of the recommendations in the code ( see also this issue , p 24 ) .
5 Christianity especially has come in for great criticism as being the major religion in the history of Western civilization .
6 Inspection has come in for much discussion today as a major part of the Bill .
7 The Forestry Commission has declared its intention to expand forestry , particularly of the broadleaved variety , at " down the hill " locations — a move away from recent tendencies to afforest uplands with conifer plantations , which have come in for extensive criticism [ see section on Pollution : Air in this issue ] .
8 He 's , he 's already come in for one form put it , he 's obviously filled one form in , he came up and he said can I have an application form for that job in the window , so I gave him one and he went , oh well I 've just filled one in .
9 ‘ Unless your estimable uncle had expensive amusements , Master Hussey , you must surely have come in for this very money along with the rest . ’
10 Superficially attractive and officially , if implicitly , condoned by UNESCO , this theory has come in for severe criticism from Western media interests and journalists .
11 It will also outline the role and operation of the Social Work Services Inspectorate , which has come in for severe criticism since it was set up by the Scottish Office a year ago .
12 The term New Historicism has come in for considerable hostile criticism both from those who claim that there is nothing particularly new about it and among those who admire new historical methods but feel the term incorrectly suggests a unified theoretical field and subsequent critical practice within a body of critical writing in which much contending diversity exists .
13 Yeah that 's what I 've come in for twenty for .
14 A spate of airline buyouts , which has touched every major US carrier during the last six months , has come in for growing criticism because of the heavy debt it loads on the companies .
15 They 've just come in for ninety three .
16 The police have come in for heavy criticism but Rosenthal 's following observation about distortion in behavioural science may be cited as an apologia for some police shortcomings :
17 Bernstein 's work has come in for some strong criticism recently .
18 The various caveats expressed in 6.8.4 on the use of statistical techniques by sociolinguists are not as negative as they might seem , since recently the overuse of significance testing in social science research generally has come in for some criticism .
19 However , the NRA has come in for some criticism for not taking action .
20 Bloke supposed to come in for new business pitch will have got there by now .
21 ‘ Well , that 's the first thing we have to make him see , then we need to get him to come in for regular counselling sessions . ’
22 " Now , I asked you to come over for several reasons .
23 he 's waiting to come up for another load .
24 So up we 'd go and we 'd have to keep the crowd back and the object was to wait for Mary to come out for some more beer which was the pub across the road , and when she did , grab her .
25 Those thrills prompt you to come back for more but they 're often reinforced by a swirling hotch-potch of memories .
26 ‘ I think what I 'm asking for a pair of shoes is fair enough though I am keeping the prices low as an incentive for my customers to come back for more . ’
27 Systemic poisons will not stop the bees from taking a building brick , but they will be feeling pretty queer by the time they want to come back for more .
28 The students quickly bonded themselves into a tight knit group and they fought , argued , demanded and were encouraged to come back for more .
29 But Carolyn , backed up by Phil Morris , hammered away at the point that furnishing fabrics were not like clothes , where customers did not expect to come back for more of the same .
30 He said as he stepped on the ‘ plane : ‘ I would love to come back for another season at Portadown — but no-one has said anything to me .
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