Example sentences of "think oh i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 and er just to , just to sit , it was just that Penny and Kev and Pam and Grant have got different ways in their mind to where we are , we do n't go anywhere in a hurry , I do n't go somewhere and think oh I 've got to be back at ten o'clock
2 Do n't just think oh I do n't know this , oh I ca n't do that , I do n't know what the formulae are .
3 So I 've got all ready , for me AIDS cos I used to just think oh I do n't really , I could just go and get some leaflets on ban on
4 You know I was wai I thought oh I wonder if it 'll be the Orient Express , yeah .
5 Any you 've come across recently and somebody asked you to spell them and you 've thought Oh I have n't got
6 I thought oh I try to work it out .
7 I 've , I 'd got a few stares from some of the women there , I mean , there are some women there that are huge , and maybe they looked at me and thought oh I hope I can wear leggings like that one day , I mean I do n't think I look too bad in the leggings , I mean I would never have done it when I used to go to Weightwatchers when I was thirteen and a half stone , I would never of gone in leggings , no way , but it does n't
8 Turn over then and go back to sleep for an hour and thought oh I 've got ta get up now the dog 's whining to go out , then we get up then when the dog starts whining to go out .
9 I thought oh I 've got it !
10 And I thought oh I know I 'll have a look and see if I
11 I was reading it in the paper I thought oh I wonder if is .
12 Cos when he knocked on door and I thought oh I wonder if it 's that parcel midi hi-fi system I 'm
13 Well you took all this sort of things in your stride but the next day we heard about these houses being knocked down , you see , and I think that 's the nearest I 've been to be killed but one day , one Saturday and that was in a daylight raid , one Saturday afternoon because , you see , I was off every afternoon but I worked till ten every night , you see , and er so erm but of course Hugh worked during the day and he was off in the evening , that 's why he used to come down to see , to see us and er he used to come in er you see and leave his lodgings and , oh be about nine o'clock and he spent the last day up there perhaps with his friends , have a chat , and er , you see , and but er and I was walking along it was called and suddenly a plane came over and I thought oh I expect it 's one of ours .
14 it 's just as I 've started in n it , I thought oh I have n't pulled the handbrake off , you know , but , it wo n't go any higher
15 Since , I mean when it was on the back I thought oh I do n't know how you get used to each since he took the evening out and then he 's different bloke
16 about ten past one , well I had indigestion all night and I could feel it , and we 'd had our tea and I thought oh I do n't know , but I went to bed feeling alright and suddenly I woke up I thought oh my god I 'm gon na be sick , I come running down stairs , but you know I was , I was sick but I know I had n't finished and I 'd sat down and I was sick three times .
17 you just think oh I 've not had that for ages , I 've not had
18 When you go to buy it you think oh I 've got a life I can change it .
19 And I , I might cook a dinner and think oh I do n't want it .
20 er , we 'll get it all sorted , you know what you like , you sit there and you think oh I want it , to get it all sorted before I go and move , it 'll just have to be in a tip for a while .
21 You 're tired darling cos you can actually relax now instead of thinking oh I 've got to do the dogs now or you 've got to do something else !
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