Example sentences of "think that [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 But now we 're in the top erm position , we 've been in the top position for a few weeks now , it obviously erm makes you think that whether it 's a possibility .
2 Do n't think that because it 's actually ringing that it 's somebody ringing , or whatever .
3 But erm , it 's the kerb crawlers , I mean I 've always thought that if it was n't for prostitutes , there 's going to be a hell of a lot more rapes around , so
4 McAllister thought that when it was cooler , in the early evening , she might walk towards St Paul 's to see the sights there , and was content to sit , her feet on a tapestry-covered tuffet , finishing off her embroidery for the bazaar ; she was astonished to find how much she was looking forward to it .
5 Walsh thought that if it was left to the others they would go on talking for ever .
6 Then I hugged her again and pushed her through the door because I thought that if it lasted any longer I would cry .
7 The motor racing world was stunned because , in a sport that flirts with death , there were many drivers who thought that if it could happen to Clark , it could happen to any of them .
8 I thought that if it went into a joint account , I had to pay tax on half of three four four five .
9 We thought that if it was only one tournament out of a Tour that was growing so fast it would not matter .
10 Perhaps I thought that if it was Billy 's kid , then somebody had to tell Lucy the bad news and if she was skipping probation , it had better not be the cops .
11 And he wanted to do this because he thought that if it were possible , if we could start just from our own sense experiences , then a great simplification would have been achieved .
12 Maybe it 's the most important thing I do but I think that when it 's elevated in the way we were talking about sexuality being elevated , it 's done a disservice .
13 I think that when it 's expressed in terms of the kind of real conditions of child sexual abuse and rape and sexual harassment and domestic violence and getting paid half the amount of money that men get paid and not having any reproductive rights and sterilisation abuse — these really basic issues that feminism has addressed .
14 I 'm pleased you think that because it gets me off the hook now .
15 But I think that if it had been , the horses should have been showing distress by last night , which they were n't .
16 ‘ These are not easy questions to resolve but I think that if it is possible , actually to speak to these characters in such a way that they feel that they are valued and that they do have a part to play in the community , then we are on the way to resolving questions of this sort .
17 And I mean I think that if it was spread more I mean if if if people locally gave more to bereaved in their own areas , I mean it would go down a lot more good there .
18 Ghandi , I think , in the early eighties epitomised , to a large degree , and attitude of concern about erm violence , and I think that in some large measure the sort of recognition that it gained , particularly in the awards and so on , had a lot to do with its subject matter as against it 's actual execution , and I think that if it had been at another time , or if the subject matter had n't been erm quite as powerful as that old genius 's life was , I do n't think it would have won the awards .
19 erm and I think that if it is pulled down for this new development , in ten year 's time we will look back and we will say ‘ Why did we do this ?
20 She had so much wanted to be fancied , it seemed a cruel blow to think that if it ever happened it might only be by someone as awful as Sean Walsh .
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