Example sentences of "think of [det] things " in BNC.

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1 No , she must n't think of such things again .
2 They just say , ‘ Well you should think of those things before you get into trouble .
3 Cos they do n't think of those things do they ?
4 I can think of some things we should have done earlier .
5 I must think of some things for him to do , ’ says Elizabeth .
6 ‘ Oh , I can think of several things , ’ she told him with soft-voiced hostility .
7 Employing one of those supremely disingenuous somersaults of logic that only long training in double-speak and the official brand of British arrogance can confer , Mr Howard told a Westminster audience of backbenchers that ‘ If the Commission were to take us to the European Court I can think of few things more calculated to bring the Commission into disrepute ’
8 A man 's voice replied , ‘ Elizabeth , dearest Elizabeth , you must have thought of these things fully as much as I !
9 Above Dorothea 's head , six new , blue mugs hung on six newly-erected hooks , for Florence Ames thought of all things and was constantly suggesting improvements — not that she insisted upon them or took anything in hand , only looked and suggested and then left the idea to be considered , accepted or rejected .
10 I thought of several things to say to him , but nothing sounded right .
11 Think of some things that you have learnt in your life — for example , how to operate a new washing machine .
12 How , that is , do they relate to the particular things which are instances of them , and to our minds when we think of those things as men , or as triangles ?
13 The cultivation of love is to think of all things as lovers , and the whole mind should be pervaded with thoughts of love .
14 Still , it is essential to the story that such thoughts be entertained , as indeed Gandalf also says to Pippin : ‘ If you will meddle in the affairs of Wizards , you must be prepared to think of such things ’ ( 11 , 199 ) .
15 It is too soon to think of such things .
16 Why am I bothering even to think of such things ?
17 , I mean it 's a lot easier to think of these things than it is for the other one , er , you would say , that was actually lazy bastard , but we did n't want to offend anybody , er , useless git ,
18 It had never occurred to her that Christopher had been thinking of these things too .
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