Example sentences of "think they know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think they know it 's Blagg they 're looking for , and if they do n't know that , they wo n't know about Tanner .
2 ‘ I do n't think they knew anyone was looking for them . ’
3 In this instance , John and his buddies will be happy that their ‘ expert knowledge ’ and status has been publicly recognised , and the bulk of the audience who know nothing about the marketing concept are flattered that someone thinks they know something about it .
4 ‘ We very much need to speak to them , and to anyone else who lived in the area at the time or thinks they know anything , ’ Mr McEwan said .
5 ‘ We very much need to speak to them and to anyone else who lived in the area at the time or thinks they know anything , ’ Mr McEwan said .
6 Couples in this kind of situation , suddenly confronted by each other 's moods , prejudices , foibles , and , indeed , continued presence day after day , may find themselves facing a great new emotional challenge at a time in life when they thought they knew everything they needed to know about their relationship .
7 There were many women who thought they knew him intimately , and each believed that she alone could unravel the knot of his heart .
8 He did have the ambition to do more serious work , as he had in Saint Joan and he had done in those early days in rep , but suddenly , he had got sucked into a formula that became a very comfortable rut indeed and , surprisingly for those who thought they knew him well , he did n't want to find a way out .
9 In Benin , many people thought they knew what had happened .
10 Victorian scientists were devoted to facts , and even more were the Gradgrinds for whom knowledge meant a multitude of facts , and who thought they knew what a fact is .
11 Everybody thought they knew what it was like to be a Dreamer , but everybody too readily confused passive dreaming with creative Dreaming .
12 Time after time , ministers who thought they knew their churches inside-out discover new factors relating to their growth or lack of it , of which they would have remained blissfully unaware if they had not taken the trouble to investigate .
13 ‘ I thought they knew their business .
14 Not like some they sent him ; six weeks in wireless school and they thought they knew it all .
15 I thought they knew you cunt !
16 So my marriage has fallen apart because of these people sat here that think they know everything .
17 ‘ Most women think they know their husbands , but I do n't believe you know anybody that well . ’
18 On the way home he said , ‘ These sincere men think they know what to do for the black man .
19 ‘ I think they know what 's to be done , Mrs Crumwallis , ’ said Hilary Frome , coming in from the sitting-room and taking immediate charge .
20 Many people in Russell 's Water think they know what happened to Jim Eggleton , and think the killer could be being protected locally .
21 They 're working ever so hard and I must say they were good , you know , erm , cos they have n't finished the job yet , but erm , I think they know what there about you know , and they 've certainly got a lot of energy and it 's a hard job . .
22 And for those who think they know nothing about building and are turned off by the sight of rotting wood , then perhaps this will help to change their attitude .
23 No I think they know nothing at all about business .
24 But not only is it a way of classifying policemen and women : the term is also used to criticize those outsiders who think they know something about policing , such as lawyers , academics , researchers , and journalists ; it is also a self-appellation of praise .
25 Sugar are a king hell rock band and I think they know it .
26 There are too many people among them who think they know it all ’ .
27 It 's it 's not worth a marriage no more because the C S A and because of people like them sat there that think they know it all .
28 Er but what I become , I thought you might become more confrontational but you did n't so so you dug a hole for yourself that you could 've dug out of you sat in there but I think you handled that quite well , but there are people like me out there who think they know it all and will have a go at you .
29 But I like to think they knew I was to be married .
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