Example sentences of "think it is [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But now you 've seen it in an art gallery , do you think it is art ? ’ , someone else asked .
2 ‘ I do n't think it is theatre , and I also think that potentially it 's extremely destructive to the individuals involved , though you can argue that it 's their choice .
3 Personally I do n't think it is traditions which are weighing them down but the fact that they have no support at home .
4 Not a change of nature , I hope , and believe : still , a development as the World calls it , though I can not think it is development for the better .
5 And as for his private life , I do not think it is James Pegg he desires .
6 It might be , I do n't think it is James .
7 Er no I do n't think it is Mr Chairman .
8 Mm , I do n't think it is Margaret .
9 I do n't think it is Raymond .
10 A pigeon clock-shifted 6 hours early but taken through three time zones to the east would in fact behave as if it ‘ knew ’ it should home to the west , but because its compass bearings are rotated 90° clockwise ( it thinks it is midday when it is 6.00 p.m. ) , it would ‘ home ’ towards the north rather than the west .
11 The Labour Party thinks it is time for a fresh start .
12 And although this work has seen him working all over Britain , Ireland , Europe and the US , he thinks it is time for a change .
13 I think it is nanas .
14 Think it is nanas .
15 ‘ I think it is discrimination against the Scots and should not be allowed in this day and age . ’
16 they had no vision of a classless society , erm , personally while I 've no desire to see uniformity , I see no earthly reason why some people because they have a lower income should be compelled to live in inferior and perhaps crowded conditions , whereas the man with five or six or seven times their income can choose a larger house in a much more delightful district and I think it is things like that that make the difference between what I as a young socialist agitator was advocating and what we find today .
17 In the uncomfortable interview he said : ‘ I think it is part of my job to stir controversy , as long as it is not party political controversy .
18 We think it is night time when in actual fact morning has well and truly broken .
19 Just the A divider , put the okay , right , it 's usually the bits before this that c , erm , th , the B to F I think it is B , C , D , E , F , after the address and telephone please , before the January calendar card , Good Okay put the G divider after the December calendar card in front of the planning calendars , .
20 Every time he buys me something I think it is proof that he 's not going to kill me or do anything else unpleasant .
21 I think it is March .
22 would you know where they think it is Larna ?
23 I think it is C R O U Q U E T.
24 And then again I think it is escapism for some of them to get pregnant where there 's so much unemployment , it 's something of their own to be proud about .
25 ‘ We think it is time to kill the project off , ’ one official told New Scientist last week .
26 Dr Howe , who has treated Tony for the past four years , said : ‘ It has been discussed endlessly in the newspapers and I think it is time to let it be . ’
27 That , according to the IRB , has largely been achieved and now , in the aftermath of the phenomenal success of the World Cup , the IRB think it is time to take the game to the world .
28 ‘ But I think it is time to move on to target the groups most at risk , ’ she said .
29 Erm we 've we 've actually developed social housing really rather as it 's been an opportunity we 've grabbed it and we 've done it , you know , some of it 's been very very good an and nobody 's knocking that but I think it is time that we took stock and actually had a a proper policy and a proper strategy on sa on social housing .
30 I think it is time the thing was put a stop to .
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