Example sentences of "come [prep] they at " in BNC.

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1 She came between them at speed , the air thunderous in her wings , which were more massive than any golden eagle 's he had yet seen or imagined .
2 With a hiss , the double-sided door began to close , just as the figure of Mahon turned the corner and came after them at a terrifying speed .
3 They called to him twice before he heard , and then he started and came after them at a rapid walk , like a man driven by some urgent pain he could not slough off .
4 Almost two years after the beer orders went through the House , we are entitled to ask the Minister what good came of them at last .
5 They sat quietly in Jerusalem until the Spirit came upon them at Pentecost ; then they could not keep quiet about the mighty deeds of God .
6 ‘ I get a lot of laughs from everyone who sees me , especially when I 'm going across long grass and all they can see is an airline captain coming towards them at great speed with exhaust smoke coming from my rear end .
7 The leading soccer and horserace commentators , with sometimes far more difficult foreign names coming at them at full pelt out of the fog , seem to manage wordperfectly and not give up the ghost in a surfeit of sniggers .
8 Polly swallowed , her mouth suddenly dry at the thought of those bronzed and powerful arms holding her close against his lean , hard-muscled body as , with a warning glare , he kept those who would come between them at bay .
9 Barn owls have one ear slightly higher than the other , so sound comes to them at two different pitches .
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