Example sentences of "come [verb] up from " in BNC.

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1 The words came mumbling up from beneath the bent head .
2 The sound of singing came drifting up from the quays below .
3 Mrs Joyce , the cook , came panting up from the kitchen with the two maid-servants behind her , her hands and wrists covered in flour , while Uncle Walter and his sister peeped wide-eyed from behind the curtains .
4 Then one day Mark was lumbering up Parliament Hill , and Babur came running up from behind .
5 The organ could not approach this strangled cry that came welling up from the bowels , from the primitive consciousness of life , of pain , of joy ; the long , tortured note that slowly unwound your intestines to be twanged by the electric guitarist .
6 The heavy sound of the door-knocker came beating up from the bottom of the house .
7 Every time we struck a chord people would come tearing up from the bar to tell us to turn that fucking racket down .
8 If I am lucky a red fire-boat may come storming up from its station on the Grand Canal .
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