Example sentences of "come [adj] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The fading light gave way in a matter of seconds to a moist , velvet blackness , as if a curtain had been drawn swiftly across the sky , and the shadows beyond the glow of the hurricane lamps immediately began to come alive with the shrill vibrations of the jungle night .
2 UNHAPPY rail passengers ' dreams are about to come true with the right sort of leaves on the line .
3 Thus although news executives continued to value ‘ scoops ’ , Tunstall found in the 1970s that among journalists themselves , it was more important not to come last with the news than to be first with it ( Tunstall , 1971 ) .
4 Their well-equipped offices in Los Angeles came complete with a fifty-seat private theatre , and producers , writers , editors and directors walked determinedly around the corridors , calling each other ‘ babe ’ and ‘ doll ’ .
5 ‘ Hatful Of Hollow ’ , despite the carefully scrubbed edges , came complete with a ‘ sound ’ well within the reach of any band … well , almost .
6 The four-bedroom Crest home which Melinda bought for £146,000 came complete with a full-size study .
7 In terms of packaging this meant that the Macintosh came complete with no requirement to bolt cards into the box or work out how to drive unfamiliar peripherals .
8 If it is of any help the stove came complete with an Epigas cylinder .
9 In this neighbourhood , every building came complete with an alligator pit .
10 Little Billy climbed onto his back , and as the great swan spread his wings and flew away , the whole forest , not just the tree they were in but the whole forest from end to end , came alive with the cheering of a million Minpins .
11 Locoscript , it was called , the word processing programme which came free with the Amstrad .
12 The man came awake with a start and put his hand up to his face .
13 The England selectors , having said goodbye and thank you to Illingworth , had appointed Denness captain , and he immediately came good with a steady 66 to hold the innings together .
14 Win or loose , both horses came first with the crowds at Cheltenham today .
15 Which was how she came face-to-face with the phenomenon of the two Waynes .
16 A Reuter photographer , Corinne Dufka , who came face-to-face with the marauding crowds , heard a man armed with a US-made M-16 rifle yelling : ‘ All white people deserve to die . ’
17 A Reuter photographer , Corinne Dufka , who came face-to-face with the marauding rioters , heard a man armed with a US-made M-16 rifle yelling : ‘ All white people deserve to die . ’
18 It is time that the Prime Minister came clean with the country .
19 Moving as quietly as possible on the gravel , Patrick moved away from the kitchen , and then continued on until he came level with the basement windows .
20 Campion came level with the Merc and looked inside .
21 She came level with the cat , stretched out her hand , and the cat sniffed her .
22 The two men came level with the school gates .
23 In struggling upright , my face came level with the offside front wheel .
24 With 15 minutes gone Airdrie were able to break out into attack for the first time and Hearts ' experienced defenders looked oddly rattled , particularly when Coyle came close with a flashing cross-shot from the left .
25 Pacheco came close with a dipping shot that beat the heroic Schmeichel but cleared the angle , then Costa had similar misfortune .
26 At the start of the second half United tried a charge … a goal would have made a game of it … skipper Andy Melville came close with a header but you had the feeling that Villa were always in control …
27 Four minutes later , Linfield sub Dessie Gorman , who had replaced Philip Knell just after the Georgians scored , came close with a reflex header from a mis-hit shot from Gary Peebles .
28 Platt , moved up front as Les Ferdinand 's minder , came close with a shot parried by Benedettini and Bruno Muccioli raced in to head over the bar as the ball appeared to be dropping into goal .
29 Jess was the liveliest player on the park and after he had won a free kick on the edge of the penalty box , the Aberdeen forward came close with a header from Nevin 's cross .
30 Then in injury time Pittman again came close with an angular shot across the face of the goal .
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