Example sentences of "think [to-vb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Most meteorites are thought to come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter .
2 The Romans soaked the pounded seed in wine and the word mustard is thought to come from the Latin mustum ardens meaning " burning must " — grape must is newly-fermented grape juice .
3 The exact origins of what we recognize as apples are rather obscure but they are generally thought to come from the Caucasus Mountains in Asia Minor , near where seventeenth-century historians located the Garden of Eden .
4 He was thought to come from the Newcastle area .
5 His unchecked activities are thought to derive from the strong support he enjoys from the Serbian government , which is either unwilling or unable to deactivate him .
6 The new restrictions were thought to derive from the Prime Minister 's concern at what he saw as the growing influence of " exclusivist " religions such as Christianity and Islam .
7 Often referred to as a ‘ lumbar punch ’ , which sounds like a particularly nasty boxing foul , it is commonly thought to paralyse from the waist down those few lucky enough to survive the procedure , or at least render them impotent and incapable of sexual intercourse .
8 Eggs were thought to descend from the ovaries only as a consequence of intercourse .
9 A feeling of employment insecurity might be thought to stem from the agency 's lack of obligation to provide assignments on a continuous basis , and thus its inability to guarantee its workers a regular income .
10 These bands of sand are thought to result from the clearance of woodland in the area surrounding the site with resultant soil erosion and the in-washing of soil into the loch from the bare ground surface .
11 This susceptibility is not caused by a single gene defect but is thought to result from the cumulative interaction of a number of genes .
12 This phenomenon was termed polar wandering and is now thought to arise from the movements of the continents themselves rather than from any significant shift in the location of the magnetic pole itself .
13 A noxious sewage-type smell — thought to come from the boat 's toilet system — had engulfed their cabin , which was locked from the inside .
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