Example sentences of "think [modal v] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Normalised earnings ’ are defined as FRS 3 earnings stripped of those exceptional items that the user thinks should be below the line , while ‘ maintainable earnings ’ are the earnings attributable to the ongoing business .
2 I 'm afraid that this time he wo n't be so lucky … he wo n't come back and I 'll end up losing him to some atrocious person that really and truthfully I do n't think should be on this earth
3 Livingston said : ‘ I gave that straight to the British doctor in Barcelona because that is the only thing I could even remotely think might be behind the drug result .
4 What d' ya think could be in it ?
5 Well , now the thing is , right what I 've thought might be like a good thing , er cos we all like entertainments , is like if Riot Girl were to become a society ,
6 Well I did bother to ask who you 'd thought would be in the flat , you said Mrs Mr .
7 But to be paid for playing — well , that 's something that I do n't think would be to the overall benefit of the games . ’
8 That is why I willingly sent him anything I thought might be of sufficient merit to justify him , as a publisher , pronouncing upon it .
9 And finally a group in the National Health Service who I never thought would be on our team , the pharmacists .
10 The criminal law sees only some types of property deprivation as robbery or theft ; it excludes , for example , the separation of consumers and part of their money that follows manufacturers ' malpractices or advertisers ' misrepresentations ; it excludes shareholders losing their money because managers behaved in ways which they thought would be to the advantage of shareholders even though the only tangible benefits accrued to the managers ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; it excludes the extra tax citizens , in this or other countries , have to pay because : ( i ) corporations and the very wealthy are able to employ financial experts at discovering legal loopholes through which money can be safely transported to tax havens ; ( ii ) Defence Department officials have been bribed to order more expensive weaponry systems or missiles in ‘ excess ’ of those ‘ needed ’ ; ( iii ) multinational drug companies charge our National Health Services prices which are estimated to be at least , £50 millions in excess of alternative supplies .
11 In fact , neither of us wanted to go to Cranham — which we thought would be within sniffing distance of the Dartford Tunnel and all that was drab and deadly about south-east England .
12 He phones me from time to time when he has heard something he thinks will be of use to me .
13 Finally , in the fourth section I will cover a few miscellaneous topics which I think may be of interest .
14 Nevertheless , the internal processes which underlie the way we perceive and think must be of relevance to an understanding of the way sign language works for deaf people .
15 And then to apply for a job , I think should be on the complete basis of what what they are , what they 've achieved , what they 've done , regardless of whether they 're male or female .
16 Erm but it it 's not just the views of the settlement which I think should be under consideration here .
17 If there 's something you think should be in the news , you can phone us on 041 332 7000 , leaving your name , number and a brief message .
18 Like the ‘ bogeyman ’ used by mother to frighten her recalcitrant children into better behaviour , syphilis or ‘ the pox ’ is used by scaremongering educators to put the fear of God into those people they think might be at risk of catching VD .
19 ‘ I should be most grateful , sir , if you could jot down any facts , figures or leads you think might be of assistance to us . ’
20 We can build ‘ models ’ of what we think might be in the box .
21 Obviously much of what you do is restricted , but come and give us a talk on anything unrestricted that you think would be of interest .
22 If you have any old photographs which you think would be of interest to readers please contact Philip Winterbottom , Assistant Manager , Archives , at ( ) .
23 Incidentally , if you have any items which you think would be of interest to the Residents , your scribe would be happy to include them in the Newsletter .
24 As you know , these programmes come to you from the University of Sussex , and if you 've listened to any of them in the past , you 'll know that they 're devoted to topics and subjects in which we feel we have some expertise , and which we think would be of special interest to the local community .
25 Anything that I can do to point out that technology is not so high-risk as many think will be in the UK 's interests . ’
26 For a chance to win one of these exciting prizes , simply list who you think will be in the 12-man European team for the 1991 Ryder Cup at Kiawah Island .
27 The next Labour Government will do it ; we will have the guts to come to the House with a solution that we think will be in the interests of the consumers , those who want to retain the special nature of Sunday , those who work in the industry and all the other interested groups .
28 One , one of the things that I think will be in value to you , once the systems in place , is to have some standard agenda items for the quality committee meeting and that may be sensible as being one of them .
29 Well they said they will , they think will be by the time they 've paid up cos they had n't really paid up for , for last years yet !
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