Example sentences of "think [conj] they could " in BNC.

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1 He occasionally drops a phrase to provoke a smile from the soft cheeks of ladies and gentlemen , and to make them think that they could say the thing better …
2 Force the other party to try hard to get your attention and let them know or think that they could lose out to someone else .
3 So that kind of thing made analysts think that they could go on more than just free associations , they could look at a person 's character , as it were .
4 Erm , I find myself agreeing with what Mr Courcier said , er , about Hambledon , I do n't think it realistic to expect existing settleme , villages within the area of search to form a nucleus for a new settlement , they 're simply too small and would be swamped by any development , and also the er I stand by the statements made yesterday about the environmental quality of the settlements , about there form , settings , and characters , and I really do n't think that they could form the nucleus of a new settlement .
5 What would they all think if they could see her now ?
6 Moreover , the report found that single parents were often expected to share a bedroom with a child , where two parents were not , and were seldom offered houses with gardens because it was thought that they could not look after them .
7 Had the Government not thought that they could get the Bill passed without the House having a serious attempt to debate or qualify it , those matters could have been discussed with experts .
8 The political ground could not have been better for a new middle party and many , including myself , thought that they could well achieve the breakthrough they sought .
9 Quite a few of them thought that they could .
10 Because the parts , early on , are so small , he thought that they could not be observed , even with his most powerful microscope .
11 Such values can not be measured by numbers ( though Jeremy Bentham ( 1748–1832 ) , the founder of utilitarianism , thought that they could ) , but are no less real for all that .
12 Ramsay asked Fraser if he thought that they could risk assuming the Regent 's agreement to this , and grinning , that man averred that Sir Archie Douglas would agree to anything that spared him trouble .
13 Fleischmann and Pons thought that they could achieve cold fusion by another route .
14 Only 51 per cent of the girls over 16 had attempted to avoid pregnancy ; others thought that they could not become pregnant because they were too young or had sex too infrequently .
15 Thus , whereas classicism 's image of human nature portrayed all human beings as being fully responsible for their own actions , Bentham saw criminals as having limited rationality and responsibility , but thought that they could be made more rational by the correct application of reformative techniques in his ‘ mill for grinding rogues honest ’ , as he called the Panopticon .
16 They thought that they could wear her down .
17 It is not the most that could be done to protect the consumer , but the least that the Government thought that they could get away with .
18 He thought that they could simply close the doors and everything would be all right .
19 Er we said last week that the on the only , the only real way that the peasants were gon na er mobilize was if they , they thought that they could actually win and so surely the violence would have been a means of saying we 're a credible force to be reckoned with
20 The project team think that they could carry out the further research in an additional year at an estimated cost of £20 000 , but that the chances of solving all the problems are only 30:70 as opposed to the 50:50 chance they gave the initial phase .
21 The project team think that they could carry out the further research in an additional year at an estimated cost of £20 000 , but that the chances of solving all the problems are only 30 : 70 as opposed to the 50 : 50 chance they gave the initial phase .
22 but they think that they could er be on the way to er actually making a
23 Psychiatrists used to think that they could determine where free will began and ended and could decide objectively whether a defendant was sane or not .
24 Failure to react would allow the English to think that they could do as they wished .
25 The GIST team seemed to think that they could brush aside any anxieties about the difficulties of being a woman in science by presenting a series of bright , appealing images .
26 The Deputy Prosecutor-General of Russia , Yevgeny Lisov , who had carried out the investigation , said on Jan. 22 that there was no evidence implicating former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in the coup , but that his actions might have led the conspirators to think that they could count on his support .
27 To think that they could end up like me , ’ he said .
28 I think if they could talk they would ask visitors not to throw food into their enclosure .
29 they 'd stop all night I think if they could , so
30 He was correct in so far as our forebears were piteously shattered but quite wrong in thinking that they could be subjugated .
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