Example sentences of "think [pron] would be " in BNC.

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1 Did I think I would be able to manage for a while on my own ? ( with Mena , and Mr James in the offing ) .
2 The case really turned on section 78 , as to which the judge had said ‘ whilst accepting the impressive evidence of the doctor , I do not think I would be justified in excluding this confession , ’ adding ‘ I do not think that section 78 really is aimed at , in truth , the circumstances here appertaining . ’
3 ‘ You 'd think I would be over this by now , ’ Mait said darkly , eyeing the lake .
4 ‘ Now why should you think I would be harbouring thoughts of revenge , unless … ’ she let a silence grow ‘ … you know a very good reason why I should feel that way ? ’
5 If I 'm clever enough to plot out something so absurd , do n't you think I would be clever enough to conceal it ?
6 I do not think I would be out of order in recalling a private conversation with the Secretary of State for Transport about a year ago on this subject .
7 If I did , do you think I would be sitting here letting you rough me up ?
8 I replied that I did n't think I would be a very good secretary but that one day I would like to run my own gallery .
9 Now a mature 10-year-old , Lois , from Aintree , says : ‘ I do n't think I would be doing comedy if it was n't for my dad . ’
10 She did not report it because she did not think she would be believed .
11 You would think she would be glad to be interrupted . ’
12 ‘ She does mostly ladies ’ slippers , ’ Emily said , ‘ I do n't think she would be of any use to you . ’
13 Did Florian think she would be here if the name had occurred in the almost six months of correspondence between her and Giles ?
14 ‘ And perhaps he did think she would be better off without him ! ’
15 I did n't think she would be
16 Why do you think you would be better than the other candidates ?
17 The Home Guard became a joke for some and a remark once passed in my company was " What use do you think you would be against trained troops ? " .
18 I did not think you would be here so promptly . ’
19 Now just so that we can get this er correct what , what sort of amount do you think you would be able to af afford on a monthly basis ?
20 Do n't you think you would be better having a proper size size box ?
21 Who 'd have thought I would be able to say that I trained Marmaduke " Duke " Hussey , chairman of the BBC , in TV interviewing technique ?
22 She said doctors were pleased with Laura 's progress , and it was thought she would be able to lead a normal life .
23 A spokeswoman at the hospital said doctors were pleased with Laura 's progress and it was thought she would be able to lead a normal life .
24 Who would have thought we would be watching the Kirov ( as they used to be ) performing a pas de deux from Antony Tudor 's The Leaves are Fading ?
25 Now she 's gone , and I do n't have to pay out , I 'm not badly off ; I 've saved a bit , and I 'd thought there would be no need to let the room , but if you and Mr Paul was looking for somewhere clean and comfortable , with good food , and reasonable as it 's yourselves , perhaps you 'd think it over . ’
26 ‘ Conway House is run by a charity so finance should n't be a problem , ’ said Rachel thoughtfully , then added , ‘ And I would n't have thought there would be any question of Len 's not being a deserving case .
27 Somewhere in the back of her mind she had thought there would be champagne and strawberries and maybe silk sheets .
28 I would have thought they would be hi hiding under the bed for saying this .
29 On the other hand , had he not thought they would be there , he would n't have gone into the building at all .
30 A lot of blokes say the reason they got into music in the first place was they thought it would be a great way of pulling women .
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