Example sentences of "out [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The CPRE is now appealing to local councils to carry out mowing in late summer , after the flowers have blown , rather than early in the season , thereby allowing natural seeding to take place .
2 Breakdown organisations were working flat out to cope with stranded motorists .
3 Sun Microsystems Inc has confirmed formation of the wholly-owned personal communicator unit FirstPerson Inc ( CI No 2,118 ) and says that its key focus will be on developing software that enables different types of digital devices to swap data and work together — it has in mind televisions , radios , satellites and computers — and to license the software and technology to other companies for use in their electronics products , putting it in direct competition with General Magic Inc , while mirroring some of the concepts of the Echelon Corp Local Operating Network ; boss of the new company Wayne Rosen said that FirstPerson has not ruled out collaborating with General Magic .
4 Its unique contribution to the community should be recognized — which incidentally would help to raise its status — so that no mother of under-fives should have to go out to work for financial reasons .
5 When we were six to two on evening patrol , to be truthful , we used to go out looking for drunk and disorderlies — just to stop the bloody boredom .
6 ‘ Or might he be out looking for other slaves to turn the Looms ? ’
7 All of these things encouraged the movie moguls to put their faith back into entertainment , to make good movies , and to go out looking for new and bigger audiences .
8 The washing of the northern blots was carried out according to standard methods .
9 The differentiation within the examination is to be carried out according to strict criteria , laying down in detail what the candidate is expected to know , understand , and be able to do .
10 They have learned to play their part in the hierarchy , to receive instructions and carry them out according to strict rules and regulations .
11 Helmeted , armed with long , spear-like boards , the surfers looked like gladiators going out to engage in mortal combat .
12 About one-third of the total number of children in care are in foster homes , but the proportions of children boarded out vary between different areas .
13 The English which is to be formulated as the major instrument for achieving the more general policy goals turns out to consist of systematic inculcation of linguistic practices , firmly aligned to a very specific sense of Englishness .
14 ‘ You put on a head and face cover , ’ she explained almost mechanically , ‘ go into a chamber naked , and come out covered in white powder .
15 It became clear that if the Community 's work was to continue , they would need money and thus the Sisters went out begging in other villages , and visiting the gentry in their mansions scattered about that part of the Moor .
16 The Irish News had a small staff , and there I was , at the age of 18 , sent out to compete with senior men , some of them , I remember , dressed like Edwardian ‘ mashers ’ . ’
17 And moral panics had been orchestrated around ‘ loony left councils ’ supposedly banning black dustbin liners , insisting on renaming black coffee ‘ coffee without milk ’ , and banning ‘ Ba-ba black sheep ’ from the classroom — scares which turned out to rest on complete fabrications ( Media Research Group , 1987 ) .
18 Instead of resting in dressing-rooms between shows , the Girls were burnt out coping with double and tripling .
19 Within the chief engineer 's department the main responsibility for sorting things out fell on Group-Captain C. E. H. ( ‘ Charles ’ ) Verity , who came from one of the best pre-vesting undertakings ( the London Power Company ) , after a wartime spell of directing the bombing of German power stations , to be the headquarters Generation Construction Engineer .
20 It is easy enough to put another interpretation on the behaviour of the Robinses , to argue that they were doing their best in trying circumstances ( to forbid German was not a bad way of teaching English ) , and that they had their work cut out dealing with precocious children .
21 Water comes out stinking of bad eggs .
22 Theories about perception and knowledge which it has seemed possible to prove or disprove a priori turn out to depend on concealed analogies ; with the exposure of the analogy their foundations collapse .
23 A seminal influence in this style of thinking has been Gilbert Ryle 's exposure of the category mistake , which implies that the most logically organized case may crumble because it turns out to depend on unnoticed analogies .
24 Now they came out spiced with delicate , ironic humour .
25 An obvious ( if possibly fatuous ) answer is that , rather than wasting money on potentially unwanted presents , people have given cash , which the recipients have rushed out to spend on reduced-price merchandise .
26 They suggest some of the typically simple pleasures of later life in the past , such as keeping parrots or pigeons , gardening or baking , playing dominoes , drinking a nightly glass of porter at home , or going out to gossip with old workmates .
27 The water that flows out comes from elastic storage .
28 Along with senior managers , Mike hosts site visits for all sorts of groups including schools and colleges and goes out to speak to local community groups .
29 Reaction time of subjects will be measured when required to carry out processing at different levels .
30 The Judge told the pair that having chosen to become involved in the evil activities of the IRA they now had to pay the price of their folly while those who had sent them out remained at large .
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