Example sentences of "up from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was midway through her third croissant that Lisa caught sight of little Emily , striding , hand in hand with Vass , along the path that led up from the shore to the house .
2 Ships driven by revolving metal pillars sticking up from the deck sounds like Victorian science fiction .
3 He looked up from the document he was reading and his eyes lingered on her body before he sat back and raised his eyebrows quizzically , waiting for her to speak .
4 The two tests were explained in that case by the Lord Chancellor … who commented that not the law but our mode of life has changed over the years ; that what has changed is " the degree in which certain things have seemed susceptible of being put up as mere ornaments whereas at our earlier period the mere construction rendered it impossible sometimes to sever the thing which was put up from the realty . "
5 As he climbed up from the rowing-deck onto the poop , he tossed back the great plaid and turned a bleak gaze on his clansmen .
6 Run the pipes under the loft floor insulation ( or , rather , lay the insulation over the pipes ) so that they can benefit from the heat rising up from the ceiling below .
7 A flight of steps leads up from the courtyard and there is entry also from the house end .
8 Looking up from the village — you can park next to the graveyard !
9 I 'd walked up from the village under a brilliantly starry sky , breathing cold shafts of early-morning air , thinking of murder .
10 The great amphitheatre of vines which rises up from the village of Bouzy represents one of the most famous vineyards in the world .
11 The Land-Rover had seen better days , and once we had left the village street and taken to the track — it was little more — that wound up from the village towards the moorland , conversation was difficult .
12 The task has just been too great but perhaps some enthusiastic committed person may take it on , with back up from the Village Association .
13 ‘ What about the tourists who come up from the village on foot or arrive in their cars to take a look at your goods ? ’ he demanded .
14 Gasping for breath , Gentle registered little or none of this , but pushed himself up from the wall to re-launch his attack .
15 I picked that up from the look on your face .
16 A row of thatched cottages is strung along the lane coming up from the sea and opens into a forecourt in the front and at the eastern side of the house .
17 Fisheries are sustained by the plankton which depends upon a constant re-cycling of nutrients stirred up from the sea bottom .
18 Another time , a photographer had ventured onto the reef that rose up from the sea at the far corner .
19 The cold evening rain blasted him , sweeping up from the sea .
20 I have it pumped up from the sea , with a small generator of our own .
21 They are not active hunters and live largely on molluscs and crustaceans which they grub up from the sea floor and crush in their mouths which open on the underside .
22 We both heard the footsteps , those same light footsteps I had heard before , on the gravel below , coming as if up from the sea .
23 the dark clouds had crept up from the sea , and trailed across the sky .
24 Dennis Garvey 's body was washed up from the sea four days later .
25 ‘ In a cliff on the edge of the city , about 2,500ft up from the valley floor , we came on an old tomb , full of bones and ceramic pieces .
26 And if your eyes followed the river westwards , you could have looked up from the valley directly on to the bald patch that was the cultivated land midway up the forested slope of Jimale .
27 Loud blasts echoed up from the valley below .
28 In the autumn , before the first snows fall , when fog rolls up from the valley , the hotel closes down , the People all depart .
29 His eyes , now that she could see them clearly , abraded her flesh with a cold more searing than the icy wind blowing up from the valley this morning .
30 And we were reminded of this last week when , in making our way up from the quay , we passed this sweet shop and there were the sugar mice in the window , and the cat , and that 's why we went in and bought some .
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