Example sentences of "up with something [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It struck me he might have come up with something one day that was n't just embarrassing but downright scandalous .
2 Go on , you come up with something better than ‘ specific functionality ’ …
3 In the Jackson 's case , all is well here so the signs are good for linking up with something good and loud .
4 Ivanov 's major interest was communication satellites , in respect of which he was constantly being pressed to come up with something new .
5 You 're always taking in new things from different sources , and then hopefully coming up with something new yourself .
6 Who knows , you may come up with something new and unique or , if you do not feel that you are ready for such dizzy heights , try the sample given in the instruction book .
7 Stewart Aviation always comes up with something new for gigglemas .
8 They are a race of roses that are well worth exploring and are yet another example of the inexhaustible resources of the rose to come up with something new and different .
9 Computer expert , Andrew Eccleston , explains that they were fed up with old-fashioned forecasting methods , so came up with something new .
10 They they seem to come up with something new every year do n't they ?
11 Had to come up with something convincing .
12 For example , correctionalists prepared to enter appreciatively into the meaning world of deviants may well come up with something useful for their purposes ( although that , of course , is not at all what Matza had in mind ) .
13 My head was n't really in the right state for assimilating all this stuff , but as far as I could gather , Uncle Rory had been trying for years to come up with something Creative ( his capital , his italics ) .
14 This buys them an extra round while Thadeus hesitates , in which time they must come up with something more to prevent him from attacking after this initial hesitation .
15 O K , you pick up a bonus for that , anybody else on the team come up with something positive about unit linking that 'll make me say , yes , I like this one ?
16 ‘ In fact I could fix you up with something interesting right away .
17 There is a garage/café where souvenirs of a kind can be bought but only a very good marketing man could come up with something stunning from a spot where most of the time nothing is happening .
18 ‘ We 've had to strike a balance between offering people what they liked with the first movie but coming up with something fresh .
19 As Gatfield points out , ‘ I ca n't work on a host of acts who I am vaguely interested in , just in case one day they come up with something exciting .
20 " Auntie Eve " could always be relied on to take an interest in their studies , or come up with something exciting such as a picnic or a day in the bush when they were home from boarding school .
21 ‘ I 'm sure you 'll manage to come up with something plausible .
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