Example sentences of "up with [art] local " in BNC.

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1 This will be followed , in due course , by a further three-quarters of a mile of track , a run round loop and the construction of a platform at the River Avon , allowing passengers to enjoy the walk , boat trips , riverside pubs and a possible link up with a local country park .
2 A research institute has teamed up with a local college to offer joint degree courses .
3 While the adults sat about and caught up with the local gossip , the children would round off the day with sports .
4 LUXEMBOURG : Sign up with the local JobCentre equivalent , l'Administration de l'Emploi , whose branches are listed in the phone book .
5 thing you could pass on to the police and they could take it up with the local council .
6 If the tax is not based on where people live , how will the money eventually end up with the local authority in which they live ?
7 I wrote to the Secretary of State for the Environment and was told that it was really a matter for the chief environmental officer of the local authority , but when I took the matter up with the local environmental officer , his response — and it is to his credit that he responded — was , ’ Well , it may be bad , but it is not really so bad that I must take any action . ’
8 The " Wildlife Enhancement Scheme " , which is to be trialled in the Culm Measures of Devon and the Pevensey Levels of Sussex , will offer annual management payments in return for agreement from landowners/occupiers to manage the land for conservation , on the basis of a plan drawn up with the local English Nature officer .
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