Example sentences of "up and [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 Records of membership , subscriptions and payments had to be kept , and at times of dispute , petitions and other statements of grievances were drawn up and presented from at least the beginning of the eigh-teenth century .
2 ‘ She still had the four walls , ’ said Scarlet , ‘ and things to dust and wash up and hide from burglars .
3 ‘ Here we have Wren Boys who dress up and go from door to door asking for money , every St Stephen 's Day , ’ she said .
4 Then he stood up and strode from the room , and she all but collapsed into the chair he 'd just vacated , feeling as though she 'd been battered by a storm at sea .
5 Being bundled up and escorted from old peoples home to movie premiere , from infant school to racecourse , from hospital to Cup final .
6 Many specific events also have something of this quality , such as requiring major surgery or needing to sell up and move from one 's home to cover a business loss .
7 She stood up and walked from the room without so much as a backward glance , and Shae looked down at her hands , surprised to find they were trembling , though they 'd been rock steady just minutes before .
8 After tossing restlessly for more than an hour , Fran got up and crept from the room and down the stairs , hoping that a cup of tea would soothe her nerves .
9 A half-empty bottle of red wine stood on the telephone table and he picked it up and drank from it with his left hand as he lifted the receiver with his right .
10 Erm there 's also a very strange statement in paragraph which says that the nineteen sixty eight act is intended to provide a network of sites to enable gypsies to move around or settle , but in practice many gypsies are settled on permanent sites and it seems to me that that is the logical result of having insufficient pitches in that if th you know there are n't enough pitches for you , you are not going to get up and go from a permanent that you 've been living on and move off in case you ca n't one somewhere else and that seems to be the inevitable logic of the government 's own failure to make sure that there is adequate provisions in local sites .
11 Many responsible people had eventually given up and resigned from the Branch Committee .
12 In other words you will not slip up and fall from sin I suppose .
13 The X/Open Co Ltd-compliant specification , known as the Distributed Format for Desktop Architecture , DFDA , and contributed by IXI Ltd , will provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to , enabling users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without resort to shell commands .
14 The standard will reportedly provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to and should allow users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without the need to go back down to the shell , be they native or guest implementations .
15 The X/Open Co Ltd-compliant specification , known as the Distributed Format for Desktop Architecture , DFDA , and contributed by IXI Ltd , will provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to , allowing users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without resort to shell commands .
16 The fact that there may indeed be real risks attached to opening up and talking from the heart is not in dispute , just as the limitations on teachers ' freedom are very real .
17 Generally there was much less anti-enemy hysteria in the Second World War than in the First ; but in the post-Pearl Harbor atmosphere the Japanese Americans ( the Nisei ) , mostly inhabitants of California , were rounded up and transported from their Pacific coast homes .
18 ‘ Every few months they 're rounded up and driven from the city , ’ explained Ellen .
19 They 're working on it , but there are about 50,000 kilometres of roads in all and I was told that fully half of them need to be torn up and rebuilt from scratch .
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