Example sentences of "up [pos pn] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Following inadvertent groundings on the mud , which happened occasionally , especially in my early days of command , I would pick up my cap to find an insert in the badge reading " Bayly Dredging Co . "
2 I was n't actually putting it on either , I said like that and and I keep saying yeah after each , each sentence when I 'm describing something to my mum like saying last match yeah , we won yeah , six nil yeah , eight nil yeah and it I keep saying yeah , yeah , my mum 's going yeah , shut up my mum says I go yeah that 's well nice and she goes erm goes well nice I said
3 From nowhere a Mamba appears and I 'm up and running with the bleeding pigeon up my jumper playing the bongos on my chest .
4 They jumped out excitedly and I picked up my pen to record what they said .
5 ‘ I 'd make a terrible mother — I have no interest at all in giving up my career to change nappies . ’
6 The fourteen-year-old stuck the gun up my nostril to see if it would fit .
7 I passed this on to the assembled crowd — Lisabeth in her dressing-gown constituted a crowd by herself — and held up my hands to silence the chorus of ‘ what'll-we-do-now ? ’
8 To save time I make up my float rigs beforehand and put them on pole winders .
9 I pushed up my goggles to get a better look at her .
10 After a long look I had made up my mind to continue 18 .
11 I made up my mind to broach the issue over lunch .
12 I privately made up my mind to do away with that sort of thing when we took over ; such things should not be allowed .
13 I am a present looking at the dozen or so cones sitting on the floor and am making up my mind to do something with them , but even with ingenious ideas , how does one find time with all that knitting to do ?
14 ’ Once I make up my mind to do something , Mr. K. , wild horses wo n't shift me .
15 ‘ Clive Griffiths , the Welsh coach , may persuade me to play against France in a few weeks ' time but I have made up my mind to call it a day , ’ he said last night .
16 ‘ I had made up my mind to put this proposition to you today , ’ he said , ‘ but I see now that this was not the right moment to approach you , ma petite .
17 As the sun began to set behind the Qutab Minar , I made up my mind to explore sometime soon what was once the most enormous complex of fortifications in all Islam .
18 ‘ I 'd made up my mind to go . ’
19 I 'd made up my mind to go it alone before I came here .
20 ‘ I made up my mind to say yes if he did , ’ she said .
21 I had already made up my mind to join the South African tour when it happened , so it was fortuitous in a way .
22 " I 've made up my mind to finish that bull , Jacques .
23 Had she but known it I had already made up my mind to get better , and nothing in the world was further from my thoughts than death . ’
24 Which is why I made up my mind to come and tell you first thing that I could n't think of anyone I 'd rather Naylor married . ’
25 ‘ Trouble is , that night we started all this I 'd made up my mind to forget her .
26 She paused , her head bent , ‘ There 's strange , because I 'd made up my mind to tell him to go anyway . ’
27 ‘ I would n't dream of giving up my job to work for you ! ’
28 And life was even tougher when I had to give up my job to care for Gran — ’
29 I had decided to give up my lodgings to live with him .
30 I put up my camera to take a picture of a nest ,
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