Example sentences of "up [coord] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Its great plug was lifted up or dropped down through a tubular cage of brass , and its brass taps gaped wide as the mouths of sea lions .
2 The glider should not be steepened up or levelled out immediately after leaving the ground .
3 Industrial base cut so close to the bone the marrow 's leaking out , the old vaguely socialist inefficiencies replaced with more rabid capitalist ones , power centralised , corruption institutionalised , and a generation created which 'll never have any skills beyond opening a car with a coat hanger and knowing which solvents give you the best buzz with a plastic bag over your head before you throw up or pass out . ’
4 But how , when he had nothing that I could take by force , steal , hide , break in front of him , tear up or trample underfoot , to vent my rage and spite ?
5 It also returns to neutral after the wheels have reached the fully up or locked down position .
6 He was a mechanic in the Royal Flying Corps in France during World War One and he had to patch the planes whenever they got smashed up or shot down .
7 It was the kind of socialism that insisted the NHS was not split up or sold off , that resented the injustice of the poll tax , and opposed the centralisation , control and censorship which had eroded civil liberties over the last 10 years .
8 Therefore , if this backward boy was to get a good education , he must somehow be crammed up or taught up to scrape a scholarship at one of the big independent schools where most of the fees would be paid for scholars .
9 ‘ He wo n't let me get up or go out , or even sit in the armchair for a bit , ’ said Dolly .
10 Restrictions on investment in each other 's airlines should go , and airlines would be allowed to merge , divest , start up or close down .
11 I am not sure whether I should stand up or stay close to Suzie .
12 It was taken over by the British Transport Commission ( later to become British Rail ) in 1949 and much of the magnificent original decoration and marble was either taken away , covered up or painted over .
13 They must scoop up or snap up huge numbers of insects each day to fill their stomachs , and each insect contains a large percentage of rather non-nutritious outer-covering .
14 On the occasions she had to pick up or deliver there she got in and out as fast as possible .
15 It was a choice of buy up or get out .
16 16 Shut up or get out
17 CENSORSHIP Shut up or get out Michael Meacher , MP , reports on the growing threat to people who blow the whistle on their employers
18 Further to Micheal Meacher 's article on the censorship of whistleblower ( ‘ Shut up or get out ’ , 1 May ) , nurses , midwives and health visitors are clearly enjoined by their regulatory body , the United Kingdom Central Council ( UKCC ) , that their first loyalty must be to their patients or clients .
19 Shut up or get out . "
20 Pay up or get out .
21 Pay up or get out .
22 He had forgotten all about arranging for a taxi to pick him up or looking up bus times or anything like that .
23 At that stage any pressure may be such a test for faith that the believer is faced with a choice : Give up or go back to square one .
24 This , however , was a determined pack and we were not going to be put off by small obstacles like being unable to stand up or walk forward .
25 You 'll clam up or walk away as soon as it gets to be too personal . ’
26 The baby who is picked up or fed whenever he cries soon becomes a veritable tyrant , and gives his mother no peace when awake ; while , on the other hand , the infant who is fed regularly , put to sleep , and played with at definite times soon finds that appeals bring no response , and so learns that most useful of all lessons , self-control , and the recognition of an authority other than his own wishes .
27 Put up or shut up !
28 But the main line of attack was that Heseltine should ‘ either put up or shut up ’ — with the apparent intention of forcing him either to keep silent or to declare himself before he was ready .
30 ‘ Now speak up or shut up . ’
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