Example sentences of "up and [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As he ran his moke up and down Vitor 's shoulder , Thomas 's grin said he was delighted to have met him , while Vitor gave every impression of being well used to handling a child .
2 Pamela , the maid , is constantly beating a breathless retreat up and down back stairs , or pressing her back to walls to let the gentry pass ; her ascendancy to wife is dramatized by her spacious and easy progress from room to room .
3 Presumably he had snatched a few more hours ' sleep , she decided morosely , while she 'd been traipsing fruitlessly up and down Strøget .
4 Wearing a woollen pixie hat above his bright red beard , he loudly and uninterruptedly belched and farted his way up and down Moel Hebog with a cheery smile and complete disregard for the appalled looks which followed his thundering progress .
5 And you 've put a lot of flower pots up and down Magdalen Road , well apparently those flower pots and the changes you 've made there , some of them very ill-advised , are costing about a hundred thousand pounds .
6 Day after day , I walked up and down Oxford Street , Regent Street , Kensington .
7 If the film ‘ Chariots of Fire ’ is to be believed , Eric Liddell did most of his training running up and down Arthur 's Seat in between preaching and racing .
8 Overall the GRiD 386NX was a rugged performer , it was noticeably faster than many desktop systems , and never missed a beat in over 12,000 miles of air travel via six airports , and 1,500 miles of travel up and down America 's rugged Pacific Coastline .
9 She had risen this morning with the intention of going into town and meandering among the shops , perhaps treating herself to a new bonnet , or buying Cissie those pretty boots she had so admired some days ago when the two of them had walked up and down Ainsworth Street , browsing in all the shop-windows ; afterwards , Beth might have called in to the delightful tea rooms at the comer of the boulevard .
10 I 've been in farm shops up and down England there the shops are very cold , feature tired vegetables and the assistant clearly feels that the punter is an unnecessary interruption .
11 He 's been waiting up and down town asking us to vote for him , flipping heck
12 In honour of Richard Phibbs , I walked up and down Harmony Hill , although there was nothing special to see there .
13 a tile-hung front at Oakley Station , west of Basingstoke ; knapped flint at Trowse , by Norwich ; Midland brick on the Syston and Peterborough line , at Brooksby , Oakham , Manton … pretty Broseley tiles to enliven the waiting-room at Shrub Hill station in Worcester ; the diaper of blue bricks ( a local speciality ) on red in the North Staffordshire 's Elizabethan stations ; fierce and unrelieved Accrington brick at Bolton , and elsewhere up and down Lancashire .
14 Friends clamoured to escape the trauma of walking endlessly up and down Glasgow 's Byres Road with a bottle of Hirondelle looking for a party to gatecrash , and so these Hogmanay house parties swelled in numbers yearly until the queue for the bathroom in the morning rivalled McDonald 's in Red Square .
15 As herds of humans dressed as cows ( at least , that 's what our eyes told us ) wander up and down Bleecker Street , we slump and watch The Shams , three women dressed as men , play an acoustic set which publicised their sexual fantasies .
16 Was he still rushing up and down stairs shouting at the top of his voice in case anyone had missed his presence ?
17 It was hard to imagine Eleanor 's contrariness , since she rarely saw it , but even , Dorothea told herself , were she the dearest , most unselfish soul in the world , she is old , nevertheless , Alida has to carry heavily trays up and down stairs and see the food being left uneaten , to get up in the middle of night after night , to listen to the rambling memories , to put up with incoherence and with having to repeat everything because her mother did not remember .
18 One creeps up and down stairs .
19 The occupational therapist had asked Esther 's husband to prepare a downstairs bathroom and toilet for Esther , as she thought she would never be able to go up and down stairs on her own .
20 A terrific midwife hales them up and down stairs to the first antenatal session .
21 His knees clicked when he went up and down stairs .
22 It need not take very long but it should be fairly strenuous — running up and down stairs a few times will do .
23 Having accepted the fact that good lighting , unworn carpeting ( fitted if possible ) or non-slip vinyl floor-covering and an absence of rugs and odd mats is essential , a check should be made on the positioning and stability of the handrail the elderly person will depend upon for going up and down stairs .
24 This does n't just mean doing a sedentary job but refers rather to the type of person ( who could well be a housewife , doing a basically non-sedentary type of job ) who calls the children to bring something from the next room rather than getting up herself , or who goes to great lengths to avoid journeys up and down stairs , or who will drive round for five minutes to find a parking spot near the exit of the car park rather than walk for two minutes …
25 Within minutes of being given the treatment his walking was much improved , and the following day he was walking around without any sticks and was also able to climb up and down stairs unaided — a thing he had been unable to do for at least two years .
26 Any exertion would result in long coughing bouts and Mother never complained about the hours of sleep lost each night as she ran up and down stairs with bowls of steaming inhalants , aspirators and balsams in an attempt to ease his suffocating agony .
27 And he made the youngster — now 13 — walk up and down stairs until he was exhausted , hitting him on the back of his head and legs .
28 Techniques for going up and down stairs , through doors and in narrow spaces should be properly demonstrated by a mobility expert so that pupils guiding a blind friend can do it in a safe , efficient way .
29 It was a place where nappies could be changed , bottles heated and babies fed , without the necessity of running up and down stairs to the kitchen .
30 She left her room , and in the darkness followed the crying sound , round corners and through doors , up and down stairs , to the other side of the big house .
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