Example sentences of "up [conj] [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He had forgotten all about arranging for a taxi to pick him up or looking up bus times or anything like that .
2 One feature of English verse that is scanted by this method , or can be acknowledged only incidentally , is one that every careful reader knows from his or her experience : tempo , the speeding up or slowing down of enunciation , and therefore of apprehension , as we read through a line or through several lines in sequence .
3 She 's half-turned away , hanging up or taking down a dress from a hook .
4 The data show that the development officer in Newham had on average five such clients per week when the project was fully operational ( that is excluding the period in which her case load was either building up or running down ) .
5 They liked to tell stories of funny replies to canvass enquiries or of japes played against the socialists , when putting up or pulling down posters .
6 They have no exercise , can not turn around and in pregnancy have difficulty getting up or lying down .
7 The occupational therapist may supply portable handrails in the early stages after the stroke , so that the patient has some support on each side while he sits on the toilet , although these should not be used to lean on when standing up or sitting down .
8 Give yourself a massage either standing up or sitting down on a towel .
9 When a phosphate ion binds to such a protein ( this process is called phosphorylation ) the protein changes its shape , curling up or stretching out within the membrane , so as to open or close channels which run across the width of the membrane from the outside to the inside of the cell .
10 You know the kind of thing where you 're neither sitting up nor laying down .
11 Then , standing up and leaning back into the shadow , she flung the jharo with all the strength she possessed across the border of flowers and into the dark pool of space beyond the firelit roof .
12 Occasionally he came in on her while she was engaged in odd projects — dressing up and prancing round their small bedroom , or reciting .
13 Gandalf rejects that proposal with particular violence , and at all times discussion of odds or probabilities turns him hard and obstinate : ‘ Still , ’ he said , standing suddenly up and sticking out his chin , while his beard went stiff and straight like bristling wire , ‘ we must keep up our courage .
14 Drivers filling up and speeding off without paying was the top crime , with 55 per cent of stations hit .
15 Lifting the air up and shoving on under ,
16 Jenkins , just too old for combat , was the only groom left at Brougham , but he was already up and mucking out the boxes , for he still had six horses to do .
17 ‘ Oh gosh , ’ Matilda said , sitting up and looking around .
18 Looking up and looking down .
19 They were photographic enlargements , head-and-shoulders portraits , all of the same girl , photographed in profile ; looking up and looking down , and seen from the right and from the left .
20 As well as looking up and looking in , the leader needs to look out .
21 Benjamin was the first to recover his wits , standing up and pushing back his chair .
22 Mad Eric has personalised his scum top by wearing the collar standing up and ironing down the front corners to make it look like a cravat — he now looks like Victorian Dad out of Viz. Berk .
23 I remember waking up and reaching down automatically and realising that they had shaved me which was my biggest shock .
24 Pep talk from my assistant commissioner , a pointless press conference , further inconclusive forensic reports , lots of people ringing up and calling in to tell me that they 've got nowhere .
25 ‘ I 've seen 'em putting the notices up and goin' round knocking on doors , ’ my assailant told him .
26 ‘ And now I 've given my message , ’ said Joe , standing up and picking up his hat .
27 You know , one of the Fizz Kids liquored up and pissing around . ’
28 I just tried to write what it was like for me in Toronto , growing up and hanging out , the suburban adolescent heavy metal North American experience .
29 In general , too , rhythmic and temporal features of speech are ignored in transcriptions ; the rhythmic structure which appears to bind some groups of words more closely together than others , and the speeding up and slowing down of the overall pace of speech relative to the speaker 's normal pace in a given speech situation , are such complex variables that we have very little idea how they are exploited in speech and to what effect ( but , cf.
30 the starting up and slowing down of things .
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