Example sentences of "up [conj] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I told my Dad to keep him locked up or on his lead .
2 If Edward Pitt picked up that in you , no wonder he was angry .
3 certainly do n't think where we going is suitable for a puddy tat , hours and hours on end and not being allowed to go outside and even when we 're there , I say , we ca n't be running up and down them bloody staircases letting cats out , I could n't , I could n't bear the thought of it never going out .
4 What we should have done of course , and did n't , was to notify the neighbours who were on fire-watching duty up and down our road .
5 then , no Ian had an orange one and when we pedalled it up and down it kept falling off so Katie put a bolt in it , a wee little one and it screwed onto the tractor bit .
6 if I went up and down it would cost me eighty pence .
7 When I said that spike went up his trouser leg and shouted and up and at them !
8 Anyway at least all our lads had a good rest this last two weeks , so it 'll be up and at 'em on Saturday .
9 This retreat into the safety of headquarters with its separation from reality is the route for these ‘ bastards with no teeth ’ ; it is the rightful place for those ‘ nine-til-five administrators who turn up when real polises have been up and at it for hours , and then ask their daft questions because of their lack of practical experience ’ .
10 ‘ I 'm so glad that you 're still up and at it , ’ said Lee .
11 Because when you pray that he does n't send the person beside you , he does n't send the other person he says , right boy up and at it !
12 The paternalism of so many large continental undertakings owed something to this long association of workers with the firm with which they , as it were , grew up and on which they depended .
13 The next morning I was up and on my way to work by eight o'clock .
14 Hopefully with Mick O'Toole 's son Kieran acting as agent the rides should soon mount up and with them will come the winners .
15 Phoebe was still asleep beside her , curled up and with her back close to her daughter 's : Maggie enjoyed the moment of comfort , adding it dreamily to the shadow that was also there .
16 Yes , I would hope that er this is a mark time ; it gives us a time to re-examine some of the schemes to see whether they are as financially viable as they looked er when perhaps times were better , and we would be hoping very much that er the economy will pick up and with it , land sales .
17 Our personal involvement with them brings them the warmth of human love , while at the same time raising them up and beyond their problems to the love and healing of God .
18 It encouraged Baldersdale to look up and beyond its natural boundaries .
19 Theda huddled against the bedhead , drawing the covers up and over her breasts , as she watched him tidy his clothes and wrap the wrecked neckcloth carelessly about his throat .
20 Some companies assume that their staff accept that colleagues X and Y will move up and over their heads , and are content to see it happen .
21 They pop up and over it , and when they land on the other side and they slow down a bit .
22 It ran right up and over his cheekbones , leading one to suspect that it was important for him to shave his eye sockets and forehead daily , if he wanted to avoid becoming altogether bestial .
23 His forearms were lying on the desk and his skinny torso was framed by a proscenium arch of ring binders , set on shelves that marched up and over his head .
24 Eventually , the bird builds the walls up and over itself to form a dome , but leaves a neat entrance hole at the side .
25 Her heart thumped and her blood surged through her veins while her arms crept up and about his neck .
26 Well before both , my alert mind has me up and about my mother 's business .
27 Mind you , I will say that when I explained things to her she was up and into her jumper and jeans in a flash and in no time at all we were hammering down the road towards Carlisle .
28 But I stooped like lightning and got the nail up and into my skirt pocket — specially put on — and I was standing exactly as he left me when he jumped back .
29 Ace was so much part of her unacknowledged dreams that it was barely a shock therefore to find herself pulled up and into his strong arms .
30 Biting off the rest , fitzAlan reached down and pulled Isabel up and into his arms .
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