Example sentences of "up [prep] her [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She stood on the threshold of that world when war broke out and she went to work in a factory ; it began to open up for her when a photographer first spotted her and the camera became her true love .
2 Well right , we really stuck up for her when she was in that fight and everything !
3 The producer , a blase+ young woman , toyed with a lettuce leaf and an olive , but on the rare occasions I am asked out to lunch I generally do without breakfast , so I made up for her and discussed the shooting schedule ( you soon pick up the jargon ) with the director .
4 During a jazzy quartet for the women , the company 's shambling clown is dangerously over-excited by one dancer 's leggy prowess , attempting to nuzzle up against her or to initiate a wildly mismatched pas de deux .
5 I was always running up against her and being told that I had a shoelace undone , or my buttons needed polishing , or my hair was touching my collar , Airwoman !
6 He nestled up against her and whispered sympathetically , ‘ He 's evil , is n't he ?
7 ‘ I can manage , ’ said Belinda , darting towards the safety of shrubs and shade that beckoned her , but he came up behind her as she struggled with the iron latch and she felt his breath fan the tiny hairs on the nape of her neck .
8 She did not hear Dr Neil come up behind her until he said , ‘ So there you are , McAllister .
9 One day she herself was looking in the mirror , and her sailor came up behind her and put his arms around her waist , and stared hungrily at her joyous face .
10 Another car came up behind her and she heard it slow down .
11 A man came up behind her and she turned towards him .
12 He could hop up behind her and pop her one with the blackjack , no discussion , no fuss , just an instant human sack that he could throw over his shoulder and rush to the car .
13 He could only imagine girls in the evening when they all walked along and Marie stopped in front of a shop window to see that her clothes and hair were as she wanted and they all came up behind her and did the same so they were like a group photograph on a record sleeve , wiggling their fingers and poking out their tongues and saying ‘ Yoo-hoo ’ to their reflections .
14 Getting to her feet , angry and hurt all over again , she moved jerkily about the small room and only halted when Leo came up behind her and placed his palms on her shoulders to still her .
15 She sensed him walking up behind her and her pulses clamoured hotly .
16 The final insult is that he has not only forfeited his ‘ honest faith ’ in taking up with her but that his eyes have even deceived him about her beauty : she is ‘ foul ’ in every sense .
17 When he had caught up with her and gasped , ‘ Constance , I 'm sorry , I really am sorry , ’ she rounded on him .
18 Within moments the wine , the heat and the excitement of the day caught up with her and she began to snore softly into his thick cable-knit cardigan .
19 Ember caught up with her and matched his pace to hers .
20 Finn caught up with her and she stopped , turning round to gauge her following .
21 After all , I had grown up with her and Hindley .
22 The uncle had apparently come to the school gates at the end of school and when the girl was a little way on her way home had caught up with her and taken her to his house .
23 Well of course she came running to me , you see , and we immediately phoned for the doctor , you see but , however , and I said , look , phone for the doctor , I said , and then I said go across to the railway police just across the yard and I asked one of them to come to me and I said I will go up with her and be with her until the doctor arrived , er he was with her the police sergeant when she died .
24 Now all the strain caught up with her and she snapped .
25 But he 'd seen her hurt , she realised , for even as she made a dash for the door , he caught up with her and , to her astonishment , there was not a scrap of aggression in him as he groaned , ‘ Oh , lord , ’ and more astonishingly , he gently put his arms around her .
26 He tore towards her , menace in every line of him as he caught up with her and grabbed her by the shoulders , his eyes blazing .
27 Well er he came , the taxi man you see and Irene I do n't know what , what was up with her because she gets my little bag into the taxi leaves all the doors wide open .
28 He ran to the open door to catch up with her when , suddenly , a man wearing a hood over his head pushed past him and nearly knocked him over .
29 Maria caught up with her as they reached the end of the village .
30 Some of them evidently knew her , for they said ‘ they would not put up with her as her husband did when she was at home and in England ’ .
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