Example sentences of "up [verb] [Wh adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's like a speck of dust drifts down and goes into my eye and I look up to see where it came from and I 'm hit by this tonne of bricks ; it hits me that hard .
2 I would n't keep lifting them up to see how they were doing , and I 'd be pretty hesitant about pruning them too .
3 After a while João came up to see how she was .
4 Every six months or so he turns up to see how his precious money 's being spent .
5 Willi came up to see how he was during the morning .
6 An SBU or divisional manager will be motivated to seek appropriate investments if he knows clearly what the generic strategy for his SBU is ( he would presumably have participated in determining it ) , is aware of what is expected of him in terms of building or maintaining competitive strengths , and knows that early-warning indicators will be set up to monitor how his investments are contributing to the improvement or maintenance of those specific strengths .
7 And it comes back up to like where we were .
8 If you actually put that up to near where he is it could even .
9 She no longer woke up wondering why she was alive , wondering how she would get through the day .
10 In All 's Well Helena goes up to verse whenever she talks of her love for Bertram , moving in and out of prose several times within a scene ( I.i. ; I.iii. ; II.v. ; III.ii. ; III.v. ) , in the flexibility that marks the mid-period plays .
11 One review summed it up saying how we were ‘ classes better in every outfield position ’ , City were extremely fortunate to get a goal , let alone a point .
12 That includes people ringing up to ask where they can pay their bills , which is hardly a complaint .
13 No , he rung up said how you doing , alright ?
14 We 'll have to ring this vet up see where your cards are .
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