Example sentences of "who may [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , being kept awake by a sufferer who can not sleep having to be continually watchful of someone who may do dangerous things , and having to cope with continual questioning or aggression may become unbearable .
2 If you do not wish to do so , then there are many other new angles of vision available to you : a child 's viewpoint , for example , an animal 's or the viewpoint of a stranger who may interpret familiar customs in unfamiliar ways .
3 Thus , the population as a whole should require only a small risk premium , much smaller than that required by executives in an individual company who may face personal disaster if the project turns sour .
4 Passes are issued and soldiers act as escorts to any farmer Who may feel insecure .
5 It is not only the partner bearing the heavy end of the load who may feel aggrieved .
6 A mediator is often necessary to facilitate the communication of people from different cultures and who may possess clashing personalities .
7 For a novel writer who may possess individual writing characteristics , unknown to the handwriting recogniser , performance can be low .
8 In recent years , attention has increasingly focussed on the needs of these carers , who may very much want to care but who may need practical help and advice as well as emotional support .
9 At the moment the rates are £22.00 for those who may need partial assistance and £32.95 for those who need full-time assistance .
10 If relevant , inform any peripheral staff such as gate-keepers who will need names , or tea ladies who may need extra supplies .
11 The term ‘ visually limited ’ is used frequently by writers in the United States ( Barraga , 1976 ; Bishop , 1971 ) and refers to pupils who use their vision for all tasks including reading print , but who may need prescriptive lenses in order to do so .
12 There are new developments ahead in FE , such as new funding arrangements , which I hope will not add to the difficulties of access for any student who may require specific support for learning .
13 From April 1993 , social services will be responsible for assessing the needs of people , who may require residential or nursing home care .
14 The Company 's policy and practice is to encourage where possible the recruitment , training and career development of disabled people and any employees who may become disabled .
15 This is a book that will interest philosophers rather than scientifically minded laymen , who may become impatient with too much general discussion resting on too little reliable research .
16 Moreover , it has the advantage of familiarity for pianists who may lie nervous of an organ , and pianists are more numerous than organists in our congregations .
17 The ability to alter dividends is said to give companies more freedom relative to the external dependence on banks who may impose unilateral changes in interest rates or loan allocation .
18 It is helpful to bear in mind that the persons affected by insider dealing who may seek civil remedies are : companies in whose shares insider dealing has taken place ; shareholders of those companies ; or outsiders who trade with insiders .
19 The first is to design and construct local services for the majority of mentally disordered people who live in their own homes and who may use mental health services for only a few weeks every few years .
20 the tendency to privilege the category of ‘ youth ’ , because , for some time now , young people have spent a disproportionately large part of their disposable income on leisure commodities such as records ; this leads to neglect of older age-groups who may use different musics and use them differently ;
21 An even lower profile is provided by teachers who may not set foot in the classroom at all but who may spend considerable periods of time in discussion with colleagues on ways in which the curriculum can be made more accessible to all children in the class , including the least able .
22 In a typical example , the land will be bought by a development company ; a geological survey done by surveyors ; plans drawn up by architects ; the plans submitted to the local authority for approval and to check that they comply with the Building Regulations , which lay down minimum standards for public health and safety ; a builder engaged to construct the houses , who may sub-contract certain aspects of the work to specialist firms .
23 Virgin chief Richard Branson , who may take legal action in pursuit of a settlement of the original ‘ dirty tricks ’ row , said he was sad to hear of the new allegations .
24 They want to hear from readers who had relatives serving in the war with the 1st , 2nd , 3rd or 4th Battalions , Tyneside Scottish , and who may have relevant diaries , letters or photographs in their possession .
25 Many councillors , moreover , are builders , businessmen , transport workers , accountants and so forth who may have appropriate specialist knowledge .
26 For notwithstanding I trust to bring you off happily , with the goodwill of our lord the king and all who best speak for this land , yet I do know there are some who may have other thoughts concerning you .
27 If you lose your keys , or if someone steals your keys , or if you move into a new home and you do not know who may have spare keys change all the locks immediately .
28 These two criteria will determine the extent to which it is felt that the test can provide a meaningful assessment of children who may have additional articulatory , sensory or physical disorders , as well as possible linguistic difficulties .
29 It is envisaged that the role of the clinical teacher as such will be subsumed into a wider role of teacher practitioner , who may have additional specialist knowledge and who is likely to be ward or unit based .
30 The present structure of support provision fails to meet the needs of the majority of disabled people , let alone those who may have additional needs associated with ageing ( Beardshaw , 1988 ; Fiedler , 1988 ) .
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