Example sentences of "who said [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Well he was the one who said they 're two ninety nine and one ninety nine .
2 What was unpredictable about the protest was a devastatingly subversive counter protest by a small group who said they were present ‘ on behalf of the acolytes of Our Lady of Ballinspittle ’ and who said they wanted to ‘ protect the rights of blasphemers and heretics and Nobel prize-winning great novelists ’ .
3 I would n't be surprised if I was one of very few who said they were either not bothered with how they look , or happy .
4 The working man was so successfully emancipated that he ( and even more , polls suggest , his wife ) ceased to defer to those who said they were his public spokesmen .
5 The sixty-four wives who said they were confident of handling an emergency on their own represented 42% of the farms in the survey .
6 And interest in watching Commons TV declined over time ; the numbers who said they would be or were ‘ very interested ’ in watching dropped from 24% before televising started to 10% after three months , with a corresponding rise in those who said they were ‘ not at all interested ’ from 18% to 30% .
7 Would we believe someone who said they were viewing with enthusiasm the prospect of being 85 ?
8 However , all those who said they were in favour were asked if their opinions would change if restoration led to the execution of an innocent person , something AI believes is inevitable under any judicial system .
9 Add in 9.8 per cent who said they were ‘ very likely to buy ’ , and you had three million customers .
10 Three journalists who went to investigate the shooting were abducted at gun point by people who said they were police officers .
11 Surprisingly , perhaps , the GHS figures showed little difference between the proportions of women and men who said they were caring ( 15 per cent and 12 per cent respectively ) .
12 the people , most of the people I knew who said they were happy living in their flat
13 In fact the husbands who said they were helping tended to be the ones who did the least .
14 He asked a street trader , who said they were the police , London based law officers .
15 The overall incidence of symptomatic gall stones among the 20819 women who said they were smokers at the start of the study was 20% higher than that found among the 25558 non-smokers .
16 got the nine oh who said they were less worried about dying than about sex after death ?
17 but fifty per cent of the people who said they were coming did n't turn up and most of them did n't phone in or anything like that which was a little bit of an upset for the host erm and consequently there was a bit put in
18 I said who said we 're going out .
19 Who said it 's a dog 's life ?
20 About 60 Kurdish refugees tried to mount a demonstration in Terminal 2 but were led away by police who said it was illegal under airport by-laws .
21 The motion was moved by the Rev Canon John Dale ( Worcester ) who said it was five years since the request for legislation on women priests was made .
22 The conclusions were challenged by Mr Joe Rich , chairman of the British Dental Association 's General Dental Services Committee , who said it was ‘ probably true ’ that more teeth were being extracted because dentists were seeing more patients .
23 Surely Richmond is Beulah , I said to the Princess , who said it was only to be hoped no wicked Fairy envied us our pleasant lot .
24 Who said it was my birthday ?
25 I went to see the stewards , who said it was a sporting accident .
26 ‘ And I 've been stung by nettles , ’ he said , injured , and pretended not to hear Dorrainge who said it was a mistake to pamper nettle stings , and they had n't the time to soothe people 's silly imagined injuries .
27 It got more painful — so I went to a different doctor , who said it was an infected sebaceous cyst and gave me stronger antibiotics .
28 Mrs Field summoned the vet immediately , who said it was in a hopeless condition and should be put down at once .
29 Wickham looked at Marshall who said it was the first he had heard of it either .
30 I think it was you who said it was " like digging in treacle " .
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