Example sentences of "who were [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Five years ago there were over two hundred kidnappings there — the pickings were rich along the Costa Smeralda for those who were sticking it out on the hills above — but last year there were only three , and one of those a complete failure .
2 The crowd had just started to thin out , and there was a disgruntled note in the talk of those who were sticking it out .
3 She had stayed there , always conscious that she was preparing herself for an existence of unutterable boredom , and was one of an enormous number of women who were training themselves for an ‘ if I do n't marry ’ life .
4 Not being prepared to be beholden to those who were lobbying you , McLeish observed , considering the formidable professional across the table .
5 Then they would move on to acquaintances who were ruining their careers doing television .
6 Llewelyn was close in his chamber with his chaplain-secretary and Ednyfed Fychan over the dictation of letters , and his seal was already on the credentials of the envoys who were to represent him in Shrewsbury ; but David , when he heard what the messenger had to report , on his own authority brought him in to the conference and shattered it .
7 Mr Mowatt reported that the current problem in the Packing Shed had been reported to LTSS , who were considering what action might be appropriate .
8 It is thought that there might , it might have remained in the hands of some diplomats who were transferring it , and there were two of these issues , there is one in a private collection at present , so this is a second one , and number eight which is coming out for sale , but the number seven did change hands er a couple of years ago , so at about fifty five thousand pounds I believe .
9 FOREIGN exchange dealers who were imagining what John Smith as Chancellor might do to the value of the pound if Labour wins the election , were yesterday ambushed instead by one Antonio Cavaco Silva , prime minister of Portugal .
10 He could n't tell whether there was a steady stream of them , or whether it was the same five or six Hunters who were torturing him .
11 I forgot about the crowd of rich , colourful people who were watching us .
12 We had also observed that there were those on the other side of the divide who were watching us .
13 Those testing to these abuses often explained that their treatment was due to the intrigues of local government officials , who were accusing them of collaboration with the Contras .
14 Bob , who hides a sparky humour , behind a grizzled exterior , said tenants who were taking his beers were doing it on a ‘ belligerent , sod-the-brewer basis ’ .
15 However , if the patient were introduced to other patients who were monitoring their own blood glucose levels .
16 But there was disappointment for Britain with the men 's lightweight four of Christopher Bates , Carl Smith , Thomas Kay and Toby Hessian , who were chasing their third successive world gold .
17 They were also rejecting the Great American Dream that had gripped their post-war acquisitive parents , who were stocking their homes with every electric device provided in the Fifties consumer boom .
18 I looked round to find Karen standing in the centre of a group of businessmen who were eyeing her up and down in a blatantly sexual way .
19 At the men who were eyeing her thighs .
20 Rotas and overtime were all organised by the porters themselves who were operating what amounted to their own business within the hotel .
21 I told Eric to expect me ; somehow I would let him know the date by way of one of the contadini who were helping him .
22 Then he nodded towards the senator and Chuck who were helping his father and Ngo Van Loc supervise the unloading of supplies .
23 Because it was the women themselves who were organizing it because they felt part of it they did n't see it as some sort of other people that were more politically motivated that than them giving them something to keep them out on strike , which by its very nature could could have been something that the people would have accepted for a while and then not accepted .
24 I remember when I worked at Ollerton colliery in the constituency of the hon. Member for Sherwood ( Mr. Stewart ) that the management had to use haulage bogeys to take fresh water to the miners , who were drinking it faster than it could be ferried to them .
25 He was angry with those supporters who were wasting our time . ’
26 Many of those who were using what are known as curly bows also shoot longbows .
27 Harrison v Hill [ 1932 ] SC ( J ) 13 where a road maintained by a farmer , leading from the public road to his farmhouse , was held to be a road , the farmer turned away people who were using it from time to time but it was also used by people having no business at the farm ;
28 The courses taught were validated by the University of Birmingham which approved these syllabuses , designed by those who were to teach them .
29 Whatever resources were devoted to the transformation approach , the bulk of agricultural production continued to come from the millions of small farming families who were adjusting their forms of production only slowly .
30 He spun around , dodged another blow from the puzzled guard , and sped back towards the circle , passing on the way the dryads who were pursuing him and leaving them as disorganised as a set of skittles .
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