Example sentences of "who are in [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is not clear to what degree the kinship defenders would want to preserve the link with biological parents who are in no way the psychological parents as well — that is , how much they value the blood tie as such .
2 They need us to back up the regular force … but some of the police who are in a supervisory role are anti reserve police .
3 The experiences of other people who are in a similar situation are used to convey to the new group a sense of purpose and to reduce the feelings of helplessness and isolation which are often encountered .
4 But this of course is an exaggeration ; it exists in the still-literate public — the customers , used in its correct sense , of the booksellers , and those who are in a real sense custodians of England 's literary culture , the staff and students of the Universities and large copyright libraries .
5 The operational effect is rather narrow ; it operates on a limited group of people who are in a state of physical decline .
6 Exposed to elderly people who are in a state of acute or chronic physical illness , mental incapacity and increasing dependence , it is not surprising that nurses believe all elderly people experience the same decline . ’
7 We have been trying to focus in this study on those people within the enterprise who are in a position to effect strategic change ( or to maintain the status quo in the face of destabilising influences ) .
8 A case has been made for brief admission of patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric disorders , but who are in a state of particularly severe crisis .
9 Drivers are noted egotists and pride themselves on being hard men who are in a given place to race and the devil take the hindmost .
10 The net result of this state of affairs is that there exist citadels of private economic power ( Unger , 1983 ) — that is , relatively small groups of people who are in a position to control the basic terms of collective prosperity by making crucial decisions about investment and deployment of capital .
11 Thus the SEC held that Rule 10b-5 was not confined to traditional insiders but was equally applicable to ‘ those persons who are in a special relationship with a company and privy to its internal affairs , and [ who ] thereby suffer corresponding duties in trading [ on ] its securities ’ .
12 These different groups , made up of all those who are in a similar position in the housing market , are called housing classes .
13 It is worth pondering , too , on the ‘ losers ’ Clegg identifies ; those workers outside the core labour market who are in a sense paying for the benefits Japanese organizations derive .
14 The first such study was conducted by Break in 1956 and covered 306 self-employed lawyers and accountants in England — two groups of professionals who are in a position to vary their work effort , and who are also liable to high rates of taxation because of their high incomes .
15 Finding a suitable firm for articles can present problems if you have no friends or relatives who are in a position to help .
16 They all headed for the door , with that slightly stiff gait of people who are in a tearing hurry , but who are trying not to break into a run .
17 In this article , Ross acknowledges the current pressures upon arts education are such that it would be unwise for any arts teacher to declare ‘ UDI ’ from the examination system , hence his decision to aim his argument against examinations in the arts at headteachers , who are in a position to remove the arts from this form of damaging restriction by placing them within a protected , and non-examined core .
18 The publisher had made a decision , no doubt on sound commercial information , about the viability of the book as a course text and decided it should have a more restricted clientele who are in a position to buy a large-format , expensive paperback .
19 I do not blame those involved in the development corporation , particularly the five council members who are in a minority on the board .
20 At the end of the research , the investigator will report on the survey and interviews to policy makers and others who are in a position to make recommendations for improved teacher training and career development .
21 He said : ‘ I urge all those who are in a position to do so to use their influence on the men of violence from both sides of the community to end their murderous activities , and to create the only basis on which an enduring peace can be established . ’
22 Insiders are those workers who are currently employed and who are in a position to exercise considerable muscle in the wage bargaining process owing to the major discontinuity between the skills possessed by insiders and the skills possessed by outsiders .
23 I hope that we will be able to give some protection to people like James , people who are in a very weak position .
24 Speaking as someone with a job I 've got to be very careful about giving advice to people who are in a much worse situation than myself , but from the research we did erm it is clear that it 's very important erm not just to sink in and dwell on your problems , not just to erm stay at home , not meeting other people , not engaging in activities .
25 erm well I mean I think there 's a problem for adults as well as children in that we I do n't think it 's helpful to cover ourselves in guilt about erm what happens to the suffering that other people experience , arguably erm in order to maintain us in the living standards , you know , we 've learned to expect , but at the same time I think that the situation in the world is only tolerable to us psychologically because on some level we convince ourselves that erm those people who are starving and those children who are in a hysterically trying to keep themselves out of the way of shrapnel and hiding night after night in freezing cold shelters in Baghdad are not really people and not really children in the same way that we 're people and our children are children , and do n't feel things in the same way .
26 But nevertheless , you are charging patients , often people who are in a great hurry bringing their own patients in , who really probably have n't got any time for that sort of thing .
27 ‘ If there is to be an effective Christian response to AIDS we need to support organisations like ACET who are in the front line giving practical care and support . ’
28 I hope you do n't mind but I believe my own dog would not appreciate the goodies as much as those who are in the kennels .
29 Should doctors always be so keen to offer abortion as the only solution to women who are in the first throes of disappointment and depression at the news that their baby is not genetically perfect ?
30 They have no difficulty in imagining , for example , that there are thousands of people at large in Britain who are in the habit of aborting babies specifically for the purpose of eating them and they argue , ingeniously , that the lack of forensic evidence of satanic abuse can itself be read as proof of the existence of Satan .
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