Example sentences of "who would be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Swings and roundabouts , checks and balances : who 'd be a research engineer ?
2 Who 'd be a cattle farmer ?
3 ‘ There 's a lot o' difference in their ages , an' Fred do n't seem the sort o' bloke who 'd be a cheerful soul ter be wiv .
4 Who 'd be a hero , eh ?
5 Bareheaded , kitted in their lighter padded armour , three squads of Marine Scouts also hailed the elevated figure of Commander Pugh — who would be no distant eminence once the crusade was launched , but would lead from the forefront of the vanguard …
6 Here was someone who would help her push the car into the side of the road , who would know in which direction lay the nearest house , who would be a companion on her walk .
7 Various aunts of terrible aspect who would threaten and alarm — tales of scorching with a flat iron for minor mischiefs — and kind uncles who would be a sure bet for a sweet or a copper or two .
8 This was not just a polite brush-off , for Steel-Maitland was anxious to find a seat for Hewins ( who was a tariff reform professor of economics who would be a great asset in parliament ) and finally managed to do so .
9 That that woman who would be a flapper is in fact a naturally be jeaned fag hag , who will soon be uttering even worse inanities in some adjacent lounge bar .
10 ‘ With Lotta it was a cold-blooded decision to win a woman who would be a beautiful and desirable accessory to my life .
11 A further seam of antifeminism may be introduced by certain early lines of the Shipman 's Tale which unmistakably imply a female speaker : Most critics have accepted the assumption that the Wife of Bath is the only female pilgrim of the Canterbury Tales who would be a suitable narrator of this scurrilous narrative , usually by weighing her character up against the profession of the nuns , the only other women amongst the Canterbury pilgrims .
12 In general terms an indirect customer is a person for whom the firm 's direct customer is known to be acting as intermediary , who is identified to the firm before the transaction and who would be a customer of the firm if dealt with direct .
13 His verbal rockets would doubtless already be primed , but she must defuse them by getting in first and establishing that the woman he faced today was a woman of determination , a woman prepared to fight , a woman who would be a fearsome opponent in any battle .
14 Kit hugged herself with pleasure at the thought that she had raised a son who would be an engineer .
15 A Eurasian engine-driver would invariably be accompanied by both a trainee of his own race and a fireman , much inferior , who would be an Indian .
16 I agree Gazza 's a brilliant player , who would be an asset for any club , but I really do n't think we should be getting too excited about this — how could we possibly afford him ?
17 Just an interested bystander , studying the form in the paddock and placing bets on who would be the jockey who would saddle her up .
18 The trade-union leaders and the ‘ occasional professional man ’ who would be the natural leaders elsewhere were too interested in being ‘ respectable ’ .
19 There would be tales of family heroes , dead and gone , and there would be the quiet looking round the room wondering who would be the next to go .
20 That unsettled them all and made them wonder who would be the next to go .
21 Edouard knew what he was looking for , a Picasso , a Matisse , whose medium was not paint but rare stones and precious metals ; the genius who would be the linchpin of his whole enterprise .
22 Lucinda glanced from Vi to Chief Wren Pillmoor , wondering who would be the victor .
23 Hill has informed the Mirror that he has been asked to sign cheques on Flashman 's request without any knowledge of who would be the benefactors , or for how much .
24 But my hunch proved right , I came across a few likely looking names and phone numbers and eventually I found a breeder in Bow , East London , who had several barn owls , all brothers and sisters , who would be the perfect training age for me .
25 Director of OEM and technology licensing for IBM 's advanced workstations and systems division , Lucian Bifano said ‘ Since the [ PowerPC ] agreement with Motorola and Apple 18 months ago , we speculated on who would be the first to market with a product ; we certainly did not expect it to come four months after our October announcement of the first silicon ’ .
26 The phenomenon had first been noticed in the last years of Victoria 's reign , among the new generation coming through who would be the new Edwardians and who would inherit the new century .
27 When the company decided to venture into fish foods , Steve asked his contact from MAFF , Paul Kirby , who would be the best person to help formulate quality pellets , and Paul put him in touch with Dr Roger Ash , a nutritional expert from Bradford University .
28 Now that we had decided to refer to the team leader ( who would be the care manager ) we devised a simple referral form and agreed that all communications with and from social services would be made in writing and filed in our patients ' notes .
29 1 What do you think Bower-bird could be accused of ? ( the charge ) 2 Who would be the judge ? 3 What would be the main points against the Bower-bird ?
30 ‘ And who would be the next year 's chairman otherwise ? ’ asked Rose , guessing the answer .
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