Example sentences of "who will [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Both say they want to get more people who 'll stay longer .
2 Yet I still believe what I said to Martinho , as he cocked his blind head towards me before talking of the hand of God : there 's always someone else who 'll step forward .
3 It 's not just your baby who 'll feel more comfortable .
4 The fee is two hundred and fifty thousand pounds and Mutch , who 'll sign tomorrow , is expected to make his debut at the County Ground against Liverpool on Sunday …
5 And a secretary , Elma , who 'll report straight into you .
6 We shall see who 'll come best out of it .
7 Who 'll come across on half a pint of beer .
8 If banks are short of liquidity they will lend less to both markets and rates will rise ; if the Bank of England readily provides funds to the discount market , houses will offer less attractive terms to other banks who will deposit instead with the parallel markets causing rates there to fall .
9 The people who will suffer most as a result of the Conservative election victory are not , by and large , readers of this magazine .
10 The debate is drawing opinion from all sides but Middlesbrough Labour MP Stuart Bell , a keen sports fan , is one man in no doubt about who will suffer most in the new deal which puts live television into the hands of satellite TV bosses .
11 Chairman Steve Bullock said : ‘ It is the elderly , the very young and the sick who will suffer most ’ .
12 It is people on lowish incomes in that sort of situation who will suffer far more than those on higher incomes .
13 Over four fifths , that 's two million , of these w of those who the wages c wages are protected by the Wages Councils are women and as there would seem no point in abolition unless the wages were gon na fall , then it is women who will suffer disproportionately , along with another vulnerable group , single parents .
14 I can assure Graham he will be the loneliest man in football , reviled by people who have n't the first clue about the game , but who will go right along with the bloodsuckers willing him to fail .
15 Then you have to hope you get selected by Wimpey as one of a number of applicants who will go forward .
16 ‘ When it comes to speed , there are horses who will go faster when hit but they are in a minority .
17 Business Monitor : Surveyor who will go far
18 ‘ A young man who will go far in his trade , Sir John .
19 And you 've got the odd youngster who will go there and throw the book at somebody .
20 Far from closing stations the Government believes privatisation will attract new investors who will bring badly needed cash to the railways .
21 ‘ I called on my experience with rock managers who will remain very nameless , ’ says Gary .
22 The first is that when a property is subject to restrictive covenants , it is bad practice to burden the title with a fresh covenant to observe them , unless it is really necessary to protect a seller , who will remain personally responsible for their observance .
23 To help them pick the 20 readers who will benefit most from the course , Pendle have drawn up a questionnaire .
24 Those of us in public life are aware that , whenever complaints of poor service come before us , there are always Labout Members who will blame either the absence of public funds , although they never make any reference to where the money has to come from , or the Government .
25 My party consists of Mrs. G. with an attendant a woman who has accompanied Ladies twice to Calcutta , our little boy , two men one as a collector , the other as a servant , and a nephew 14 years old who will settle there ; in the next cabin is a Surgeon with his wife and family .
26 The 22 areas each employ at least one training officer who is mainly responsible for planning a training programme for the bureaux in the area and for training further trainers who will collaborate more closely with workers in their bureaux and help implement the plan .
27 Yet family and friends may well need help in planning for such an admission ; this way the older person does not feel rejected , but is admitted taking a social network of support with them , of people who will visit regularly , and not feel guilty ( see Chapter 6 ) .
28 Glendenen is a positive and powerful striker of the ball who will prosper even more on firmer and quicker wickets .
29 LEEDS fans will be able to watch their team 's European Cup play-off against Stuttgart on Friday live on ITV , who will pay around £200,000 for the rights .
30 Other participants , who will pay less , include Italy , Switzerland , Sweden , Austria and Finland .
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