Example sentences of "who have taken [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Again , the frequency of masturbation is perhaps highest among older males recently defeated by a newcomer male who has taken over the sexual role in his harem .
2 Saints will be fired up under new boss John McClelland , who has taken over from the sacked Alex Totten .
3 But Souness is backing the player who has taken over from Bruce Grobbelaar , Anfield 's first-choice keeper for the last 11 seasons .
4 His absence has given a rare opportunity to his deputy and political rival , Zhu Rongji , who has taken over the reins of government .
5 Ingres is now under the firm charge of ex-DEC European chief and now ASK Group president Pier Carlo Falotti , replacing Dennis McGinn who has taken over responsibility for developing strategic partners for the company .
6 I looked for my favourite character , only to find he had been replaced by the same bitch who has taken over Lloyd 's job .
7 Wake , who has taken over from Ron Aitken , said one of BAIE 's strengths was its diversity and it made sound practice , as well as fun , to tap into the network .
8 New secretary Paul Birks of Mason 's Ironstone , who has taken over from Peter Masheter , said : ‘ Golf is no longer seen as a rich man 's sport and is accessible to all ages and pockets .
9 The sprightly priest , who has taken over the parish of St Paulinus in St Helen Auckland in County Durham , said : ‘ As long as I am fit as the way I am now I will continue to serve the community . ’
10 The village Neighbourhood Watch scheme is now fully operational , thanks to Clifford Watts who has taken on overall responsibility .
11 If some kind person could send us a copy I have some very keen would-be knitters who would be extremely grateful , not least myself who has taken on the task of teaching them .
12 All four are , for example , victimised in different ways by the taboo of illegitimacy and the play focuses on Rose , who has been kept from the knowledge that Jackie is her mother by grandmother Margaret who has taken on the maternal role .
13 ‘ The father may have been violent , the woman might be involved with someone else who has taken on the role of father .
14 Sixty-two years later Charles Black , Adam 's grandson and current chairman , has been sent the same manuscript ( which incidentally has survived a direct hit by a flying bomb in the Second World War ) by a descendant of the colonel who has taken up the search for a publisher .
15 Ironically , the only Hibs player who appeared to have any kind of conviction going forward was Pat McGinlay , who has taken up the attention of Celtic 's manager , Liam Brady , and will be the object of a move from that quarter when his contract expires in the summer .
16 THE HILARIOUS cry of the '70s rocker , dragged out for all festival reviews , particularly as a photo caption for the picture of a naked man who has taken too much acid and is lying up to his neck in a mud pool .
17 Someone who has taken only an option to buy has not ‘ bought or agreed to buy . ’
18 Ross , who 'd taken over the industrial empire founded by his father , Sir David Wyndham , had been planning to develop and broaden the company 's overseas operations .
19 If he was normally quite a kind person who 'd taken up robbing banks because he was short of cash they could put jam on his bread and vodka in his water , and if he was a horror they could empty the potato peelings over him whenever they felt like it . ’
20 Welcome back : Coming up shortly , the ghostwatchers who 've taken on a whole houseful of spirits .
21 Only I 've come across one or two head teachers who 've taken out things like A B Cs recently , and they did n't realize that they would n't get a lot of value if they cashed them early , you know , if they cashed them within two or three years .
22 A WORD of warning to those of you who 've taken out endowment mortgages in the past five years .
23 When the rats who had taken up residence in his building were ousted .
24 One of Peter Freygood 's friends in Regina was a chap called Geoffrey Byrnes who had taken up a literary job in Chicago in 1935 .
25 Morel , a shipping clerk who had taken up campaigning journalism on behalf of Liverpool 's African merchant interests , set up the Congo Reform Association in 1903 , following his success in persuading the Government to issue a formal protest about the brutal regime of forced labour exercised by the Belgian King , Leopold , in the Congo .
26 He was followed by Jimmy Lett who had taken up gliding initially and then progressed into powered aircraft .
27 In one study , cigar smokers who had taken up cigars after stopping cigarettes and smoked at least five cigars a day had a risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction about four times as high as that among ex-cigarette smokers who did not smoke cigars .
28 All three had been members of the Khmer Rouge administration in the eastern section of Cambodia who had taken up arms against the Pol Pot regime in 1978 .
29 At the last moment he caught sight of Owen , who had taken up position at an adjoining table , and raised hands to heaven .
30 The explosions were now occurring in the area they had just evacuated , probably inflicting casualties on the British troops who had taken over the German trenches .
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