Example sentences of "who have [vb pp] many " in BNC.

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1 Our workshops will be run by Mary Casey , a specialist in inter-personal skills training who has conducted many stress management courses for women .
2 The Great Mother is like a priestess sitting in the dark temple , an old , old woman , who has seen many seekers come and go , all with their own vital problems and joys .
3 ‘ … one who has seen many such cases can with tolerable certainty tell , without more minute examination what the nature of the complaint is. ’ — W. Cumming , London Medical Gazette , 1849 .
4 Mr Morton , who has made many speeches on the need for an integrated and planned transport policy , would in any case be unlikely to relish the job of breaking up the rail network .
5 Rita is a machine knitter of 20 years ' standing who has taught many techniques of the craft .
6 Newcastle , the hot-bed for local fell running , supplies Edinburgh-based Richard Rodgers who has performed many times for Northern Ireland and Willowfield 's George Morris — making his debut at this level — completes the senior mens ' team .
7 Newcastle , the hot-bed for local fell running , supplies Edinburgh-based Richard Rodgers who has performed many times for Northern Ireland and Willowfield 's George Morris — making his debut at this level — completes the senior mens ' team .
8 A leading Slovene politician , Jože Smole , who has held many high positions , including a period as governor of the National Bank and another as federal minister of finance , maintained ( Politika , 25 August 1987 ) that the directors of Agrokomerc would not have issued such a large number of uncovered bills of exchange without the approval of the local commune , the Bihać bank , the Associated Banks of Sarajevo , the National Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina , and the Social Accounting Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina .
9 To their number must be added the Right Honourable Kenneth Baker ( Mole Valley ) , former chairman of the Conservative Party , who has held many high offices of state , including that of Home Secretary .
10 ‘ It is with a feeling of surprise and wonder , even of awe , that humans become aware of a great intelligence living in the sea ; of marine mammals with a perception greater than that of other animals , more akin to our own , ’ says New Zealander Frank Robson , who has spent many years working with dolphins both in captivity and in the wild .
11 According to Koen Van Waerebeek , who has spent many years studying the dolphin hunt , hardly anyone in Peru is aware of the true nature of chancho marino .
12 WE WERE a small group : Soeriaatmadja , the head of Indonesia 's Elephant Task Force , Graham Child , the director of Zimbabwe 's National Park Service , Iain Douglas-Hamilton , who has spent many years observing elephants in East Africa , and me .
13 Ms Anderson , who has spent many years living and working in London and Washington , was visiting Torquay for the BA Conference .
14 Publishers grow thick skins against negative reviewing , but I remain puzzled at the volume of abuse directed at this particular book , by an author who has spent many years working on his subject , opening up new areas of research , and who has arguably contributed more in recent years ( viz Orwell : The War Broadcasts , Orwell : The War Commentaries and The Larger Evils ) to the study of Orwell 's work than any other scholar .
15 There is a professionally qualified Staff of three in the Learning Support Department , , who has had many years of experience here at Heriot 's , both in the Junior School and in Learning Support ; ; who has more recently joined us after several years experience in Learning Support in other schools ; and who , as Head of Department and an experienced educational psychologist , is responsible for the assessment of our pupils and for the planning of their programmes within the Department .
16 Today 's readings are taken from a book called A Cup of Water written by Janet Lacey who has devoted many years of her life to working for Christian Aid .
17 The Owner was , in fact , a Mr Salter , one-time servant to Sir Hans Sloane , who had collected many curios rejected by his master on their travels .
18 who had played many leading roles for the Leicester Operatic Society .
19 Other ladies standing nearby were beginning to take an amused interest in this interchange between the domineering retired school-teacher , who had ruled many of them when they were young , and Donna Frizzell , who could tear a character to pieces in three minutes with her sharp tongue .
20 After all the Spartans were said to be relatives of the Sabines who had given many wives and some kings to the Romans .
21 The matron was a sceptical young woman who had seen many different injuries in her short time at the school and heard many bizarre explanations for them .
22 And the wise old bird , who had seen many a bully brought low in the twenty years since he was hatched , clicked his beak and closed his eyes .
23 Idealised versions of life in the USA , for example , were often presented to me by young people who had watched many films and television programmes , as well as talking with foreigners .
24 But the words were not said as if from the mind of a child but from that of an adult who had experienced many things .
25 Blaise Cendrars , the vagabond poet who had shared many a bottle with Modigliani , wrote these mysterious lines as preface :
26 His ambition was stimulated by Nnamdi Azikwe , a Nigerian , who had spent many years ( 1925 — 34 ) in the United States doing graduate work at Lincoln University and the University of Pennsylvania .
27 As far as is known , very few people in Islay kept a diary at that time and in those which have survived the entries are short and appear to have been inspired by the prospect of emigration or a return to their native heath by one who had spent many years abroad .
28 As far as is known , very few people in Islay kept a diary at that time and in those which have survived the entries are short and appear to have been inspired by the prospect of emigration or a return to their native heath by one who had spent many years abroad .
29 ‘ If the savings by the closing are in the order that the authorities are suggesting , then the small payment being suggested would appear to make a lot of financial sense , while at the same time recognising the very valuable contribution of men who have given many years of service . ’
30 I am a veterans visitor for JS and so come into contact with veterans who have served many years with the company .
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