Example sentences of "who be in [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm taking numbers off of caravans where they 're letting and I 've been round and spoken to people who are in them caravans , and not one is happy !
2 A useful way of considering this is to use the concept of the dependency ratio , that is the ratio of people who are out of the labour market in relation to those who are in it .
3 I think the more people you talk about it to about it the better , especially people who are in it ,
4 As political life became dominated by people who were in it as a career , the shires felt betrayed .
5 It was a vague but important time in the cultural and social history of the western world , a good time for those who were in it and enjoying themselves , a bad time for those who were dismayed at ‘ young people today ’ .
6 ‘ I 'll hurt you worse … tell me who 's in it . ’
7 Wonder who 's in it now ?
8 ‘ Can you see who 's in it ? ’
9 Who 's in it now ?
10 Who 's in it though ?
11 who 's in it ?
12 So who 's in it ?
13 , who 's in it ?
14 Lifts are like shared entrances , you never know who is in them and you run the risk of being trapped in there with an attacker .
15 What I really want is to meet someone who I can have a bit of fun with , but who is in it for the pleasure and does n't want paying .
16 He fancied a class half the size especially if he could have picked who was in it .
17 Producer John Hughes , a father of two , said : ‘ The second one was easier to write because I knew who was in it .
18 Who was in it ?
19 ‘ Do we know who was in it ? ’
20 I watched Dallas the other day and guess who was in it ?
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