Example sentences of "who [be] now [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The housing conditions of Britain 's underclass , who are now largely housed in what remains of the council sector , were described by the report of the Archbishop 's Commission , Faith in the City ( Church House Publishing , 1985 ) , in the following graphic terms .
2 Could the debate be held in Government time to allow us to congratulate the people who work in those facilities and the GPs who are now strongly supporting the reforms ?
3 I find it appalling that Warwick , who are now well established in this country , are not apparently concerned with after sales service to the extent that it is at the moment impossible to get spare parts without sending off to Germany .
4 But is n't it funny how people who are now well and truly ‘ progged up ’ are willing to accept this sort of thing which a few months ago they 'd have left well alone ?
5 Does not the Secretary of State understand that the people in the Forth Valley health board area will greet his decision with great dismay , especially the families of the mentally handicapped patients in that hospital , who do not have a vote , could not be consulted and who are now greatly exercised by the prospect of being cast into the free market system ?
6 On the other hand , the ‘ behaviourists ’ ( for want of a better term ) argue that the responsibility lies fairly and squarely with individuals who are now fully informed of the dangers they face in perpetuating life-threatening behaviours .
7 The four soldiers , who are now all stationed in Germany but were then in Bordon , each said in evidence that it was this incident which had persuaded them to leave the pub .
8 Rick Horne is still in charge and his confidence is high despite losing a number of his players , who are now too old .
9 Those readers who are now sufficiently convinced that the F-Plan is the first realistically helpful medical advance in slimming , as indeed it is , may if they wish turn to page 91 of this book , where they will find all the rules for following the plan , followed by recipes , menus and charts .
10 What that clearly involves ( Table I.5 ) is first , a relatively stable total proportion over statutory retirement-pension age , but second , a substantial increase in the number and proportion of that retirement-age population which is over 85 , and a decrease in the number and proportion of 65 to 74 year-olds who are now often described as ‘ the young elderly ’ .
11 O'Hara asked , and Stella accepted at once , almost running out of the restaurant , scarcely bothering to wave a farewell to the others who were now giddily swaying across the dance floor .
12 Social relations typical of the integrated professional market persisted into this phase , but there was also a significant development of new social relations , for some kinds of writer , who were now effectively or wholly employed within the new corporate structures .
13 He spent three afternoons a week , from Tuesday to Thursday , at Russell Square ; although he was still active as an editor , at least with the work of those authors who were now also old friends , age and reputation necessarily meant that he was now much more of a " figurehead " than once he was .
14 A man like Richard Hamilton , for instance , who 's now pretty well known in this country , was much better known on the Continent of Europe and in America , in Switzerland , in Germany , in Northern Italy — Milan particularly — much better known there than he was for decades .
15 Bentham , who is now most commonly known for his work as a Utilitarian social reformer , first set out his design solution for relating a social organisation to its physical setting in 1791 .
16 Jeremy Isaacs , former chief executive of Channel Four , challenged Mr Birt to name the mystery secretarial assistant to whom Mr Birt 's company paid a £15,000 salary , and who is now widely assumed to have been Mrs Jane Birt .
17 The King of Ireland would take over the ceremonial duties of the Irish President , who is now nominally set over the Irish Prime Minister .
18 His suspension starts this Saturday , along with a two-match ban for Dicks , who is now even further over the 31-points mark after being booked in a stormy clash at Oxford United on Tuesday night .
19 I should visit Alida , who is now also alone , and Dorothea , for she has her friend whose name I can not remember , and that is yet another person for me to talk to , make friends with .
20 Spinrad and the Yugoslavian astronomer , Stanislaw ‘ George ’ Djorgovski , who is now also at Berkeley , have recently used the 4-metre telescope at Kitt Peak , Arizona , to investigate eight more galaxies .
21 Theresa ‘ Yummo ’ Lacy of Hygiene London East at long last took the plunge and married James Buckley , ( who is now also a Hygiene consultant ) , at the end of August .
22 McHugh , who is now also serving nine months in a young offenders centre for motoring offences , was sentenced to three months in jail on the Customs offences .
23 In Rene Reaumur , the academie had a first-rate technologist , but a man who is now little remembered .
24 There , they meet a naive , alcoholic young lawyer named George Hanson — played by Jack — a once good-intentioned liberal who is now equally at odds with the heartland of American society .
25 The family proceedings court had before it an application by the local authority for a care order with respect to a child , L. , who is now nearly four years old .
26 ‘ I was on night fire-watching when there was a terrific explosion which wrecked part of the railway line between the factory and the steelworks , ’ recounted Bill , who is now nearly 90 .
27 CHRIS PICKERING , of Aintree who is now nearly 80 recalls a dockside incident which taught him a lesson in diplomacy !
28 Michels , who is now no longer even on the SCO board , has reportedly retained his own lawyer to fight the suit , determined to keep SCO 's involvement to a minimum .
29 The horse is the rehabilitated The Committee who ran the proverbial ‘ blinder ’ in the Kim Muir and who is now quietly fancied to give Homer his first win in the National .
30 First , there were the financial consequences of Labour 's blind support for a dictatorial trade union leader , who is now as popular in Walworth road as a fox cub in front of the Quorn hunt .
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