Example sentences of "who [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other flocks selling at 4000gns or more were : J Walton and Son , Rosedean , Northumberland who sold at 4800gns to Fordington Farms , Alford , Lincs ; A C Lee and Co , Fordafourie , Aberdeenshire who received 4400gns for a ram lamb to Gerry Osbourne , Co Carlow , Eire .
2 I may look like a demure little wife who sits at home minding the house , but darling , I could tell you one or two things that would make your ears stand up on end . ’
3 Others involved include Lord Fitt and Mr John Hume , who sits at Westminster for one of the IRA 's many Irish enemies : the SDLP .
4 The local gentry were Sir John and Lady Wardley , who lived at Seaton Cramer Hall , a large and dramatically sombre stately pile set in wooded grounds about two miles inland from Cramer .
5 Her Great-Uncle Isaac , who lived at Low Birk Hatt , used to keep geese and one night just as the light had faded my dad shot what he thought was a duck flying off Hury Reservoir .
6 The collection belonged to the late George Reynolds , who lived at Chalford Mill .
7 Who lived at Blankley Bath near Methringham ?
8 And there the information ends , can you help fill in some details with John and Jane who lived at Blankley Bath near Methringham , turn of the century ?
9 Recollections have been handed down by word of mouth , of spindle spinning and early spinners in wool and flax , who lived at Adamthwaite .
10 In a recent study performed by the authors , however , old people who lived at home were asked to record their habits each day ( times of waking , eating , visiting friends , sleeping , etc ) for a ‘ typical week ’ .
11 She was secretary to Lady Margaret Hall from 1880 to 1914 and , as lady secretary to the AEW ( 1883–94 ) , was responsible for organizing tuition for women students and for supervising those not attached to a hall , who lived at home or with ‘ hostesses ’ in the city .
12 By 1891 Thomas Patterson Gillespie , who lived at Cone House , was making ‘ blottings , printings , news , E.S .
13 I remember many of those in the official party : — The Rector , Reverend Ian Grant Cameron , The Curate , Reverend Arthur Reeves who was a Newfoundlander , Major General Sir Henry Everett and Lady Everett who lived at Avon turn , Alderbury .
14 He praised the Bishop of Llandaff for his enlightenment as a land owner but the Bishop , who lived at Calgarth , was an enthusiastic planter of larch trees .
15 Kitty in her late fifties , Kitty who lived at Court , Green , Nottingham .
16 Land worth £2. 1s. 4d. per annum was owned by Bernard Turney , who lived at Hudnall in Edlesborough and had goods valued at 40 marks .
17 Archie , my eldest boy who lived at Belton , used to bring the groceries down to the cart-shod at the other side of the river .
18 The murder victims were Mrs Kathleen Curran and her daughter Angela , who lived at Edenvale Avenue , a few doors from the accused .
19 Whether these should be equated with his ‘ heirs ’ , who held land worth £4. 6s. 8d. in Elesborough , his widow , who lived at Whaddon and was a prominent landowner , or someone quite different , is not clear .
20 MY UNCLE Geordie , who lived at Dalkeith , had an airedale called Skipper .
21 The Ishams were kept at home by Sir Justinian , their father , and taught by a tutor who lived at Lamport .
22 For example , when John Hey of Birkhouse in the West Riding parish of Kirkburton died in 1719 , the executors of his estate were his widow Susannah and a John Halstead , who lived at Thornhill , some 10 miles or so away .
23 A wonderful time for children , but not so good for thousands in cities , nor for the countrymen who lived at subsistence level , and never knew what it was to have a holiday .
24 After Coleridge died in 1834 , his son Hartley , who lived at Ambleside , would frequently walk with Wordsworth in the Grasmere area .
25 Vera Loomis , the ninety-two-year-old who lived at number 92 and was known for some reason as Got All the Things There Then ? had offered plum wine or home-brewed lager and Susan Doyle , who was reported to watch News at Ten while her husband pleasured her , had suggested lemonade shandy .
26 Mrs. Burden who lived at number 70 , another two storey house was quite a character .
27 He used to come over to us a lot at weekends , along with another character called Bob Brown , who lived at Blackton and who was a bachelor brother of my great-aunt 's husband .
28 ‘ His descendant , Margaret Dowling , is seeking relatives of Edward Banner ( 1820-1892 ) , son-in-law of Maurice Dowling , who lived at Blacklow House , Roby ( now Knowsley Leisure Centre offices ) .
29 The old house was featured in the paintings of Julius Caesar Ibbetson , born 1759 , who lived at Willy Hill for some years .
30 I went to Rose and Cyril Grabham , a lovely couple who lived at No 4 , Park Cottages .
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