Example sentences of "who [verb] [pers pn] well " in BNC.

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1 The readings were those of the Sunday and the lector was a member of the staff who proclaimed them well .
2 To have used the booklet is associated with more positive attitudes towards its general utility ; teachers who recall it well hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility and flexibility and effectiveness than those who have not ; as might be expected , teachers who associate changes in school with the use of the booklet hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility than those who do not ; teachers in schools in the less prosperous northern part of the borough are less negative with respect to its efficiency .
3 Those who recall it well are positive , those who do not are negative , believing SSE to be inefficient and professionally threatening .
4 Those who have seen the booklet are more positive about the collegiality and openness and professionality of SSE than those who have not ; those who have used it are much more positive about the professionality of SSE than those who have not ; those who recall it well are much more positive about the collegiality and openness and the efficiency and ( non ) threat of SSE than those who do not ; those who report changes in schools following its use are much more positive about the collegiality and openness and the professionality of SSE .
5 According to nomes who know them well , a goose is the most stupid bird there is , except for a duck .
6 His extraordinary personal library of cuttings , plus his first-hand knowledge — ‘ I have been lucky enough now , of course , to be able to talk to them and to those who know them well , and to see inside their homes ’ — makes Vickers one of our foremost Royal watchers .
7 Those who know her well also know that this is inaccurate .
8 ‘ But those who know me well understand the importance of the human side and the mutual trust , goodwill , integrity and fair play that are the basis of all human relationships .
9 Those of you who know me well may be surprised to learn that I am not anti-referees .
10 I think it would be appropriate to very briefly sir preface erm not by name obviously , who I represent , the interests I represent , because otherwise my comments may be misconstrued erm by certain parties who know me well , I represent certain peripheral land owner and developer interests around York , I also represent a developer who is proposing a n new village circa fifteen hundred dwellings in the Leeds metropolitan district er to the East of Wetherby , that is relevant when I come to the location and a migration aspects , er I would preface the rest of my comments by saying I consider it is vitally important , sir , that this enquiry takes a sub-regional view , this is why my colleague from Leeds City Council I 'm sure 's been invited , it 's why the Department of the Environment Regional Office are here , very important indeed .
11 People who know him well say the Kuwaiti affair has affected him deeply , chipping away at his pro-western instincts , and instilling in him a deep pessimism about the future of the region .
12 But those who know him well say that Sir Patrick 's tact and political skills will disarm his critics and persuade them to work with him .
13 Others who know him well describe Gilbey as a ‘ sensitive fellow who would spend hours at drinks parties standing chatting quietly with some pretty woman ’ .
14 talking about your future plans with other professionals who know you well — for example , your District Nurse or Doctor .
15 But worse still , just as the Poet and the Mistress connived at each other 's deception in 138 , just as the Poet connived at the Friend 's deception in 93 , so in 112 the Poet is inviting the Friend to complete the circle : ‘ For what care I who calls me well or ill , /So you o'er-green my bad , my good allow ? ’
16 It was men like Joe Royle , the manager , and his assistant , the former Scotland full back , Willie Donachie , who taught me better . ’
17 Children particularly who knew him well , and spent time in his company , invariably recall his ease of manner with them and his absorption in their pursuits .
18 But perhaps above all it was that his candidature was unreservedly supported by Tawney , who knew him well , which convinced the appointing committee that Jacques had the background experience , commitment and personal qualities required by the District at a particularly difficult point in its existence .
19 Another naval diver and a close friend of Crabb who knew him well , Sidney James Knowles BEM , also saw the body and was quite definite that it was not Crabb .
20 In the preface to his Guide he claims that ‘ all ( his drawings ) were entirely finished while the subject was before him , for he conceives that studies are lessened in value by being retouched in the house ’ ; but a Miss Weeton who knew him well , and was godmother to one of his children , says that ‘ he is employed all summer in taking sketches , and all the winter in finishing them .
21 Andrew MacKinlay at Thurrock was praised to me by someone who knew him well , not for any sort of high-flying , but for through and through decency : and anyone removing Tim ‘ I propose to call these people ‘ the Ethnics ' ’ Janman has instant appeal .
22 But Coleridge , who knew him well , saw him as a happy man , because he had one aim in life :
23 More interestingly , those who knew him well speak of his outstanding security .
24 Even his great friend and business partner in the Second Dominion , Hebbert Nuits-St-Georges , called Peccable by those who knew him well , a merchant who had made substantial profit from the superstitious and the woebegone in the Second Dominion , regularly remarked that the order of Yzordderrex was less stable by the day , and he would soon take his family out of the city , indeed out of the Dominion entirely , and find a new home where he would not have to smell burning bodies when he opened his windows in the morning .
25 As I expected from one who knew him well it is a very sympathetic account of his life and its impact on both cricket and the wider world .
26 In this phase of his life , at least , Reagan was regarded by many who knew him well , not as an ‘ amiable dunce ’ but as a lively , intelligent man with an obsessive interest in politics .
27 In that role he made headlines by disagreeing with Mrs Thatcher over participation at the Moscow games ; his robust independence surprised no one who knew him well .
28 Spiers was trained in the Gothic school , but Bolton , who knew him well , insists that he never referred to any buildings of his own and little is apparently known about his work as an architect .
29 Rendel was a shy man , but confident in his views and , to those who knew him well , a shrewd , witty , and charming companion .
30 Connon was a hard man to startle in any case , as those who knew him well could vouch .
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