Example sentences of "who [is] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 No — I daresay not — and in any case who 's to say what would have come of it ?
2 Let's look at it another way , it would be folly to compare Levi 's Hartford victory to Norman 's win at Doral — who 's to say which is a tougher tournament ?
3 So , given things being the way they are , who 's to say they 're the loonies because they do n't do things the way Joe Punter thinks they ought to be done ?
4 I think secondly erm whichever country , and you do look back to your roots , and we for better or for worse here look back to the great public school headmaster of a century ago and I still think people want that kind of dynamic drive , that entrepreneurial drive , and who 's to say they 're wrong ?
5 On the other hand , I believe Lewis to be a worthy world champion and until Mike Tyson gets out of jail that 's the way it will stay … and who 's to say he wo n't beat him .
6 ‘ Okay , he did n't play in Sweden but who 's to say he would n't have done had we got to the final ?
7 Anyway , who 's to say I could n't be erm the next Mrs Hitler , or the next Mrs Genetic ?
8 ‘ Anyway , he 's here now and who 's to say there wo n't be a little brother or sister before long ? ’
9 Even if he did count six kegs , who 's to say there were n't more stacked away in another part of the freight car ? ’
10 Who 's to say who drifted in , and then drifted out ?
11 Is it your mother who 's sent you ?
12 Who 's picking you up ?
13 She now drew her chin into her chest and in a voice almost as deep as a man 's she said , ‘ And you dare to tell me to shut up , me ! who 's given her life to you .
14 Because you ca n't very well imprison someone who 's given herself to you .
15 Like next week you had a week or whatever , and then I 'd just go out and er ask me friends wh who 's hiring whatever .
16 She 's just snapped at a styling assistant who 's rearranging her hair yet again .
17 On one hand , you have the ultimate spartan aesthetic for portraits : the passport photo — cold , detached , flatly lit etc — and on the other hand , there are heavily manipulated images in which the person who 's producing them is far more physically involved .
18 you leave it alone you rat bag , who 's digging my stuff out are n't you ?
19 And then , off you go and make them ready and when you get out onto the heath you just , the horses what 's galloping together , you 've all been weighed out and then who 's riding them and they all take the sheets off and they er straightaway .
20 God , thought Madame , when she added up the night 's takings , one week I should write down who 's having who as well as who 's drinking what .
21 I decided to try the ‘ little old lady who 's lost her ticket ’ routine , but I was rumbled immediately and directed politely but firmly to the station manager 's office .
22 ‘ Then why do you look like a child who 's lost its puppy dog ? ’
23 An enchanting picture book by Ian Beck , The Teddy Robber , £6.95 is a wonderfully funny story of a giant who 's lost his teddy bear so he goes around stealing other teddies from wherever he can .
24 Even though I 'm just an old has-been who 's lost his only love .
25 ‘ It 's someone who 's lost his job , ’ says Rose , ‘ and he has n't got anywhere to live . ’
26 It 's very sad to have to comfort a man who 's lost his 14 year old boy .
27 And then you 've got ta ring them up and ask them again to see who 's to see who Cos they usually say , Well I 'll see what I can do , and then you 've got to ring them up again and see if they 've done anything , and and er and then sometimes you 've got ta ring them up again .
28 Who 's kicking me ? ’
29 what , have a because we 're going to another chap had said are you sure I 've ordered this milk and it was this young man who 's serving you see , and so , the , the more senior librarian she says she said it reminds me of interesting reading , was about erm , it was a very sort , it was , it was an but it was about architecture of , of Italy , you see , it was quite a detailed thing , you know really good detail
30 Okay , so who 's entertaining us this morning ?
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