Example sentences of "who [vb mod] well have " in BNC.

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1 Much better news awaits those who may well have dismissed all ideas of Caterham ownership with one thought of the insurance bill .
2 You could even have a personalised château holiday , enjoying the hospitality of a family who may well have been in residence for generations .
3 The crucial importance of the functions of convening and chairing meetings seems to have been overlooked by those who set it up , or else these duties were delegated to people who did their best in adverse circumstances but who may well have been inappropriate choices .
4 However , it is generally assumed that rug-weaving was brought into China , probably from Turkestan or Mongolia , some time before the reign of Emperor K'ang Hsi ( 1661–1722 ) , a noted patron of the arts who may well have encouraged its assimilation into Chinese artistic life .
5 There is no shading on the rock here , but it is used on two out of three tiny , marvellous cups from Athens ( figs. 113 , 114 ) made by a potter Sotades and painted by the ‘ Sotades Painter ’ who may well have been the same man .
6 This is an advantage to the consumer , but not necessarily to the manufacturer , who may well have made both !
7 At the same time a was decreed , and as a sop to the kazaskers who may well have been most jealous of the fact that the Mufti " s salary now surpassed their own — each was allowed to invest ten .
8 Others who may well have had reservations about him ( though we shall probably have to wait some time before their reflections can be made available to us ) were the oil-company spokesmen to whom he advanced new facts of life during the earnestly disputed discussions between OPEC and the major companies in Tehran in December 1973 .
9 Allegations of treason were made concerning the loss of lands in France , a matter which may have particularly concerned the Kentishmen , whose vulnerability to raids was obvious , and who may well have been alarmed by the issue of a commission of array , and a command to set up warning beacons , on 14 April .
10 At the same time he is depicted as a saint by the bishop of Tours , who may well have thought of him as a fellow victim of Merovingian politics .
11 This can often be harsh to an employee who may well have contributed fully to enhancing the value of the company and may wish to retain his shares ; sometimes exceptions to a provision of this kind can be specified .
12 They recognise , however , that the women in their study were largely middle-class , who might well have sufficiently large zinc stores because they were well nourished .
13 It made no express reference to proceedings between a named representative of a class and a member of that class who might well have sharply different interests , as betweeen themselves , as to the substance of the plaintiff 's claim .
14 The loser then was Ray Laccohee who might well have been more than a match for Dale overall had he played more competition golf .
15 At such times you need to turn to a wise and experienced adviser who might well have steered you clear of the mistake had he been consulted earlier .
16 I think that you might call Duff Hart-Davis a travel writer too , at least by osmosis , since his godfather was if I remember rightly Peter Fleming , who might well have had a stern word or two to say about Mrs Izzard 's book .
17 The prosecution must prove beyond all reasonable doubt that she did not consent and the defence will be irresistibly tempted to raise that doubt by suggesting that she is the type of woman who might well have done .
18 It is remarkable that the Palestinian Jews transmitted the new strength of their faith to those Jews who had not taken part in the Maccabean revolution and who might well have reacted unfavourably to it .
19 But Mr Major 's room for manoeuvre was limited by the loss of Mr Chris Patten , who could well have become Home Secretary , and two other rising stars : the two Treasury Ministers Mr Francis Maude and Mr John Maples .
20 Fitzgerald was fascinated by the director type and in his story ‘ Mightier than the sword ’ he offered a portrait of a man who could well have been King Vidor :
21 His reputation became such that the School began to attract the attention of those who could well have afforded to send their children to boarding schools .
22 Rob Wainwright , who could well have picked up another four caps this season , has recovered from an Achilles tendon operation and hopes to turn out for the home XV , while David Hunter is at full-back for Selkirk .
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