Example sentences of "who [vb past] at [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He could not understand the familiarity of the elderly stranger , who gazed at him with the pride of a long-lost brother .
2 Built , as Penry had told her , almost a century before , its mellow brick and gleaming windows blended into the picturesque hillside , welcome in every line of it to the girl who gazed at it in bliss as she turned off the engine .
3 This was condemned in western countries , but feeling against jews was common everywhere : Freud 's father had his hat knocked off by a Gentile who shouted at him ‘ Jew , get off the pavement ’ , and Jewish shops were smashed by miners in Tredegar in 1911 .
4 I was told they sent for a nurse who came at me with a needle so I grabbed her by the breast and threw her down on the hors d'oeuvres .
5 The chilli also meant that Praeger had been just a wire man with orders not to kill anybody who came at him just blind them and run .
6 Jack and Rose Hayward were attacked by two men who fired at them at close range .
7 He turned and looked speculatively at Ajayi , who frowned at him and said ,
8 Zlorf stared at Twoflower , who grinned at him .
9 I fell in love with a boy with a crew cut who came to mend our roof with the window cleaner who grinned at me in my rollers and the boy in Vallance 's record shop with a sport face .
10 It was picked up by Isay , who glanced at him .
11 Hawkins read it , smiled broadly and handed it to Talbot , who glanced at it , smiled in turn and read it out aloud .
12 Joolz was cautioned by the police for swearing at a heckler who swore at her .
13 By kneeling on the pavement , we could see the two furnaces being stoked but this innocent pastime was cut short by the boilerman who swore at us !
14 For example , one informative sentence used by Warman was In the park , the man saw the boy who waved at him .
15 Do n't know who that lady , looking lady who waved at me is ?
16 I want to thank that girl who spat at her at a bus stop .
17 He took the arm of the girl who stared at him with shock-darkened eyes .
18 He stared back at the Cages , he glanced up at the trees behind them , he stared at the people who stared at him .
19 I DO N'T think actress Zoe Wanamaker need have been embarrassed when , out jogging , she stared back at two people who stared at her .
20 She was lifting her hand to knock again when the door was flung open and she was confronted by the woman she 'd seen outside who stared at her defiantly , her painted face incongruous against the fall of grimy hair over her shoulders .
21 She stared at Monica , who stared at her .
22 She passed Jill who stared at her , almost pleadingly , as if Alice were a murderer , or thug , who could attack her .
23 There were also a great many red squirrels in the forest , delicate little creatures with tufted ears who looked at them fearlessly from the high branches .
24 He picked up the cases and she took their hand-cases and they walked home , passing three separate black people who looked at them with silent hostility and two elderly white women who did not look at them at all .
25 When she was examined , she did indeed have a nasty attack of herpes , but the doctor who looked at her noticed that she was as brown as a berry .
26 He could n't bear to see Daniel Marsh fawning round his wife like a besotted mongrel , and any other man who looked at her was to be immediately discouraged .
27 But , as her shirt grew soaked in sweat , she was obliged to edge nearer Angel , who looked at her as if she were a tarantula .
28 She could see that nothing could harm her , that there was no danger , that danger in so far as it might exist was desirable , and she started to walk , slowly , up the street , looking at those who looked at her , exchanging glance for glance , shivering in the warm April air from a tremulous , hopeful , artificial apprehension .
29 Not only had she a history of past Amativeness ( the fact that she was a " fallen woman " and so forth ) , but anyone who looked at her could see Amativeness written all over her .
30 As it was , she was greeted at the door of the ramshackle house by a complete stranger , a young man who looked at her oddly .
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